Beiträge von FlashinnaPano


    Have you found the blend cubes example yet? It does exactly what you need.

    It is located here: 'krpano-1.17-mac/examples/xml-usage/slider-blend-cubes'

    I used the original technique from this old forum thread. The big difference is that the old version uses tween instead of setalpha.

    The method works really well. I used it on my web site to do before-and-after time-lapse animations of some spring wildflower meadows.

    Not sure how well it might work with a series of 15 panoramas.



    When using the Add Folder button, the Protect Tool also adds hidden system files to the file lists. For example, on Mac OS X the tool adds the hidden Finder database file ".DS_Store" to file lists.

    I don't think that accidentally encrypting the .DS_Store file will have an adverse effect although I haven't performed that experiment yet.

    If you have the opportunity in the future, would you please consider adding a file filter (or preference) to omit hidden system files with the Add Folder option?


    FYI: You panoramas do not show up in IE8 and there are no hotspots on the google map.

    Thanks for taking a look. I have no idea why my panos don't work for you ....

    Besides my normal tests with various browsers on my Mac, I have tested my pages using IE8 running under Windows XP. I have also tested with Linux Mint 12 using both Firefox and Chromium. In all these tests, the map and panos work correctly (with the exception of this mysterious map error).

    Perhaps running these OS'es as Parallels virtual machines on my Mac has some effect? I don't know.... *huh*


    Happy New Year! *rolleyes*

    All of the panos on my site show this behavior.

    The link is

    All of the xml is encrypted (why? I don't recall anymore *huh* ), but I suspect that wouldn't be useful for you, so I uploaded the plain-text xml for the "Mt. Hood from Tom Dick & Harry" pano on the linked page.

    I had first thought this might be a problem with the server, but this error also shows up locally. My suspicion is that I may have some subtle syntax error someplace. I have been looking, but have not noticed anything yet.

    I hope this helps!


    I figured I would start the new year off on the wrong foot ... *sad*

    I have encountered a strange error with the two latest krpano releases. This was not a problem with earlier versions.

    In my pano I have a button to show/hide a small googleMap populated with spots showing the locations of other panos. When I first show the map everything works as expected. If I then hide the map and reopen it a second time, I get these errors for each spot that I add to the map:

    ERROR: googlemaps plugin - spot[the_spot] - style "[object kinterface_settergetter]" not found!
    ERROR: download of "[object Kinterface_settergetter]" failed

    I have been unable to find the cause of the error; I certainly don't use a "style" in the map.

    I create the map spots using a simple action:

    <action name="fill_map">
    	plugin[Gmap].addspot(the_spot, 45.668634474, -122.029076088, 75, true, action(load_location,location_XML,the_spot), showtext(The Spot));
    	if( plugin[Gmap].zoom == 1, plugin[Gmap].setzoom(12) );

    The onclick action loads a new pano at the spot location and cleans up the pano window. This action works correctly even when the error occurs. Other than being annoying, this error doesn't appear to cause any adverse effects.

    Where this "[object kinterface_settergetter]" is coming from?

    My addspot() syntax seems correct. Even when I eliminate all of the optional parameters, I still get the error. The only way I found to avoid the error is to not use addspot(), which isn't useful.

    Something about addspot() is causing this error. So far I have been unable to figure out what. *confused*

    Does anyone know of a solution to avoid this error?



    I think this is a wonderful example of how flexible and powerful krpano is. I hope you don't leave this technique buried here in the forums.

    I found this thread purely by serendipitous accident, and Klaus' code solves a problem I've been thinking about for a long time.

    What I have are two panoramas I shot in the winter and spring and wanted to effectively show the seasonal change. My first solution was to splice the panoramas side by side, making one 720-degrees wide, and then created a cylindrical QTVR for display. It worked but was not very satisfying.

    I think I discovered my ideal solution in this thread....

    Here's the seasonal change pano I created. This is just one page from a web site I'm updating to use krpano.

    I think it works remarkably well. Especially so because I didn't plan ahead of time to try to do this; it was only while setting up the spring panorama shot that I decided I would try to match the winter scene.

    Now if only I could get the two panos to match better than the manual tweaking I used....



    Are there any limitations to what charcaters we can use for the name parameter of the addspot() function?

    Is a spot name starting with a number permitted?

    In an action with multiple addspot() commands, I found that the first spot in the list will not display on the google map if a spot name in any one of the later addspot() commands starts with a number. This seems to affect display of only the first spot.



    This is probably more of a feature request unless someone has already done it.

    For calibrating the googlemaps radar heading it would be very useful to:

    • Display a line on the googlemap showing the center of the radar beam and which rotates with the radar
    • Display a crosshair in the center of the panorama window

    I think this type of radar "calibration mode" would make it much easier to find the exact heading value.

    I am not sure how to accomplish the first part; the second is trivial.

    Currently, when calibrating the radar heading, I set fov to a very small value so that I can zoom in to get a very narrow radar beam and a good heading on a landmark. This method works well enough except when I inevitably forget to change the fov back to a reasonable value. *sad*



    Don't you love it when users abuse your software? *rolleyes*

    This is mostly a result of me exploring the software to find various limits and to see what results from exploring various parameters ....

    In any case the seams in this image appeared to be quite bad, so I thought it might be worth a note.

    Upon further exploration, I found that stillquality significantly affects the seam visibility. They are most visible for HIGHSHARP and nearly invisible for LOW. The seams were most evident in high contrast areas, which makes sense.

    With my old images my last step was to sharpen them before generating the panorama. With krpano, is it better to leave images unsharpened and use HIGHSHARP, or still sharpen the source images and use a lower setting?



    This whole thread is getting a bit confusing, I think. *sad*

    Yes, I have tried using include ....

    But, if have defined in the global.xml file a <plugin name="Gmap" [etc.]</plugin>, then all of the googlemaps parameters in my plugin are static and cannot be modified from the pano.xml file where I have the include.

    What do I do in the various pano.xml files if I want to change the lat, lng, or zoom for the googlemap?

    The only method I can see is to use an action ... and I don't see how I can create the googlemaps radar, zoomcontrol etc. via an action.

    Gaahh!! Am I dumb!?! Or what? *cursing* No, do not answer that....

    Just now a 1000W light bulb lit up in my mind and I realized what to do. Klaus, either you are very subtle in your programming or I am completely clueless at times. *g*

    So, the answer is: Yes, create a default googlmaps plugin (with no spots) in the global.xml file.

    In each of my pano.xml files I only need to write an action such as this:

    <action name="fill_map">
    	plugin[Gmap].addspot(test1, 45.394369, -121.69954, 94.4, true,);
    	plugin[Gmap].addspot(test2, 45.39768, -121.704531, 81.4, false, action(load_location, test2), showtext(Spot 2));

    Then I call this action as part of my show googlemap button plugin. Very simple and seems to work efficiently.

    This took me longer to get working because I originally had plugin[Gmap].resetspots(); as the first line in the action. This unexpectedly deleted the spots created by the action itself. It seems that this clean-up is done automatically when switching from one location to another?

    Now, if only ... double-clicking on the googlemap would zoom in as with a standard Google Map. *smile*

    Thank you for not revoking my license *whistling*


    I have been testing the latest MAKE PANO (MULTIRES) from krpanotools-1.0.8-beta9-mac-2010-01-19.

    I started with a 6324 pixel wide equirectangular tiff processed using the default settings. On closer inspection, I can find some very bad seams such as this one:

    Most of the other corner seams are also visible and I can trace them throughout the panorama.

    Changing the jpeg quality had no effect. I suspect this may have something to do with the size of the source image.

    Is this a problem/limitation with the kmakemultires tool? Is there perhaps a minimum source image size below which I should not use the tool?

    Are there perhaps some display settings I should be using to minimize seamy panoramas?


    After some further use I have found that capture="false" will not work with the googlemaps plugin when I leave the combobox menu open.

    I set capture="false" for the googlemap plugin itself and the googlemap radar and zoomcontrol subnodes. Leaving a combobox menu open and clicking within the googlemap or on the zoom control or radar does not dismiss the open menu. If I click in the panorama area the open menu closes.

    So, capture="false" works, but not consistently... *sad*



    Thanks for the reply and taking the time to look at my problem. I understand what you are saying, but the problem I am trying to solve is somewhat different.

    It might be best to summarize what I would ideally like to accomplish:

    • Global.xml file --> Contains actions and other code common to all panorama xml files. In this file I want to place an action to create the googlemap along with actions to create googlemap subnodes such as zoomcontrol and googleradar.
    • Panorama.xml files --> There will be many (>100) of these for the various panorama locations. Here I would call the googlemap action with lat, lng, heading, zoom, etc. as parameters to create the localized googlemap.

    Because most of the googlemap xml will be the same for each panorama, I thought it would make sense and be more efficient to create actions to reuse this common xml. (Is there any Jedi xml trick to do this without actions?)

    Thus far, I have only been able to write an action to create the basic googlemap plugin without any of the subnodes.

    As for the various googlemap subnodes, I have found that it is only possible to create spot subnodes using the addspot() function.

    I now suspect that without functions similar to addspot() it is not possible to use an action to add any of the other googlemap subnodes.

    Perhaps Klaus might be willing to offer some enlightenment on this Quixotic quest


    i saw that on when you select satellite and then select Show labels, it shows u the street names.
    i have a google maps plugin in my pano and i wonder how can i show street names on googlemap.*sad*

    This is the same as the hybrid map type, so just use:


    There are four Google map types:

    normal == plain street view map
    satellite == basic satellite image
    hybrid == satellite image with labels
    physical == shaded relief terrain map


    I was premature in thinking I solved this before testing.

    Apologies if I am being totally clueless and dumb, so please bear with me, but I have had no success using actions to add googlemaps subnodes.

    To start, I tried to use an action to add a zoomcontrol to my Google Map. Here's the first part of my map plugin (to keep testing simple I am not using the make_map action of my first post):

    <plugin name="Gmap" url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/googlemaps.swf" 

    Here's the action that I thought would add the zoomcontrol subnode to the map:

    The zorder=1 (Gmap zorder=0) and the parent is the Gmap plugin. I'm not to sure about the proper url and the necessity of updatecontrol().

    Whatever the case, this make_zoomcontrol action does not work. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or show me a working example?

    Similarly, I am attempting to write another action to add the Google Map radar. Using this radar action, I am able to add the radar from radar.swf to my Google Map, but haven't had any success in adding the googlemaps.swf radar subnode. The attributes of the radar in googlemaps.swf are different from radar.swf, and I need to use the googlemaps radar.

    Other than the spot subnode, is it even possible to use actions to add the other googlemaps subnodes?

    Well, I am now very confused by all this....


    I am attempting to write an action to create a Google Map. Because I plan on using a number of Google Maps in my xml files, it seemed worthwhile to have one action to create the maps,

    So far I have written an action that will successfully create the Google Map plugin itself but have been unable to figure out how to add subnodes such as radar and zoomcontrol. I have tried any number of variations without success.

    Is this even close to the correct subnode syntax?

    Obviously, I am missing something very basic and important. What is the correct syntax for adding and defining subnode properties in an action?

    For spot subnodes should I create them as the other map subnodes or should I use the addspot() function?

    I have at least been able to write an action using addspot() to add map spots.

    Once I get this map action working, what is the best way to execute it? As part of onstart?

    I've searched the web site, release notes, and forum, but have not found any clues as to the correct subnode action syntax. I hope I have not missed something obvious....

    Any help getting me properly oriented will be much appreciated!


    Hello Michel,

    Perhaps Klaus can improve the combobox plugin to avoid this *rolleyes* ....

    A way to avoid this is to set to false the capture attribute of your close button

    An easy solution that works! I cannot ask for better....

    Unfortunately, it's the sort of subtlety that is easy to miss for a newbie.

    Thank you!