Beiträge von o.mwell

    I thought i can use it in a condition as trace('',destination) and trace('',get(destination)) gave the variable name, and the value that i am looking for.

    I realized, that i have overcomplicated things, just as i tried to simplify an overbrutal nest. *smile*
    I think i can use a universal variable for all scenes with a value of 1,2,3,4,5... and get that value for the condition instead of different variables for each scene with value 1 or 0.

    I will rethink my question and if i see any logical purpose i will put it in another way. If not, i will delete this topic.

    Thank you,

    I would like to compare a set of variables with a condition, each one in a specific scene.

    Here's my setup:


    Second scene:
    if(destination == 0, showlog();trace('headbang',);set(destination,1););

    This seems not to work.
    But i can trace both the value and name of the variable before the condition.
    I think I'm using bad syntax here. Again.

    Thank you,

    Tried it with set instead tween and its working.

    So for 11 layers the following will work.


    for(set(i, 1), i LT maxvar, inc(i),


    But not with tween. And i would like it to be animated.
    Maybe a workaround can be done with triggering an action,
    but i'm sure there's a simpler way to do this and also would like to understand what i am missing here.


    Sorry, my bad. Losing my mind.
    In the action the value for the condition is set correcty, i just made this stupid mistake for the example.

    Nevertheless, my question is regarding the for loop not tweening all the layers just the highest before 12.

    Started to insert into a for loop, then i find myself stuck again.

    Here it is:

    for(set(i, 1), i LT maxvar, inc(i),

    Strange. Seems like only the eleventh layer gets the tween.


    I would like to make an action to alter different properties of layers/plugins. I'm trying to get the name of a plugin/layer.

    For example:
    <layer name="cool3"/>
    set(i,3); tween(layer['cool',[get(i)]].alpha,0,1);

    What is the correct syntax to do this?

    Thank you,


    This may sound a little ridiculous.
    I have an universal hotspot with a complex condition bind to it.
    Onclick the hotspot is disabled (to prevent unwanted action to take place) then it will be reenabled with a tween donecall.

    If there are absolute zero input (no mouse movement, etc.), there will be a passive state with the reenabled hotspot (with the cursor indicating again that it is clickable).
    That means the mouse must be moved or clicked once during the action or after the action completed to get the hotspot working for the first click.

    This is just in Chrome, in FF it is working as intended.

    1.17pr2, HTML5, html:"never" gives a blank page even with the testing server


    I've checked the forum and the documentation about this topic but did not find any solution.
    On a windows desktop using IE10, HTML5 fullscreen button does not appear.
    I am not using iframe, just basic javascipt for a pano-only webpage.
    In flash it's working fine. IE9, FF, CH displays it correctly.
