I hope everyone is having a great New YEAR!
I am playing around with my wife's kindle fire and can happily say that it loaded up every panorama that I tried on krpano site.
Take care
I hope everyone is having a great New YEAR!
I am playing around with my wife's kindle fire and can happily say that it loaded up every panorama that I tried on krpano site.
Take care
ran across the same problem...
can you show a sample of what the command line string would look like?
it's probably too late for me to be messing with this and I'm missing something simple
Aldo - great work and the new site is looking good.
I don't see where you close the map plugin xml block with
It would go after the last "spot" is defined.
That definitely helps. I tried some various searches and just didn't get the right combination.
Thank you very much.
Not sure how else to title this question.... but would it be possible to expand the function of the object feature so that you can "move" the object to look at the top / bottom of the item?
Right now, the object structure enables you to spin an object around it's y-axis. How about adding the ability to spin around it's x-axis as well?
I figured out how to do this a long time ago using Demicron's wirefusion and a grid of images... but I'm too lazy to go and find my notes (several years ago)... so let's think out loud about this... ... and try to keep it within the boundaries of the existing "frame" structure...
If I just want to spin around the y-axis, then my frames may be:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
but let's spin up / down a couple of degrees and we end up with a frame grid that looks like...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Hmmm... it's getting late... but I can start to see how this could be implemented in the XML structure with some basic math functions... but I'll have to come back after I find my previous notes.
Or, Klaus and the magic fairies could just "spin" this into a future release automagically...
Side note... since the multi-frame panos utilize the same structure, I could see someone taking a buttload of panos at a place in a grid format like this, and then enabling people to "walk around" a place using the arrows on the keyboard.
I'll have to come back to this later.
I'm finally getting around to playing with the multiframe feature and really loving it. As I'm using it though, I was wondering about how the individual "frames" are loaded into the system.
The online demo seems a bit slow on my end.. and it made me wonder if all of the frames are being loaded on the backend while I'm looking at one frame... or if only a certain number of next / previous frames are loaded?
Only reason to ask is to help figure out what may be the best way to optimize the images (size) for each frame... and maybe to disable fullscreen in order to not allow a view that is too large for the chosen resolution.
Suggestions or other samples where used would be helpful.
whats the best technique to align the spherical images correctly?
I know this question is old... but in case others find it and want to know one opinion...
I had the same "issue" about alignment... and for me, the simplest solution was to look at how I shot the panos. As long as I was facing the same direction (i.e. north) when starting to shoot the panos, my stitching software (autopano) put the panos together in the same orientation. It's been awhile since I looked at this item, but I think my first image was always the "center" of the pano. From there it worked out.
Coming in on the back end of a conversation that looked to be going a bit south I won't say much other than...
Welcome back and we look forward to helping you as best we can and seeing some great samples from you!
Of course, I can't speak for anyone else... but it sounds like an honest apology.
With that said, I'll contribute a couple of "guidelines" to asking things on the forum...
1. post in the most relevant section
2. be as detailed as possible
3. a link to a tour that is giving you problems helps tremendously (let's people see what you might not be able to describe, plus most of us know how to look at the code driving the tour)
4. be patient, but don't be scared to bump your post after a couple of days
5. ??
others can contribute their suggestions as welll
Finally - if you ask "when will you have xx function available?" - the answer will always be "when it's done" - don't take offense at this... it's just the most accurate answer that can be given.
Take care,
For those that put some panos on tabs in your fan / business page... note that the width format is changing from 750 to 520. Depending upon how you setup your pano it may affect how it appears.
Not sure if it matters, but I saw a different embed format...
<embed pluginspage=" http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" width="536" height="300" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://yoursite.com/path/to/your.swf"></embed>
the pluginspage attribute isn't required - but looks to be good practice...
Interesting challenge here.
I'm guessing that when you use kprotect to restrict the domain... it is in effect saying that the swf can only be loaded from that domain (i.e. has to be hosted there)
If you restrict it to the hosting domain... can you still embed it on blogger?
You can protect using domain limiting and put in the hosting domain. You can then embed in blogger.
If the swf file is moved to a different domain... it will not work.
Sample - http://panoblogger.blogspot.com/
Now - if you want to prevent people from embedding - will have to work on that.
Did you try the suggestions here ?
There was not a response... so not sure if it worked.
I've seen panos on blogspot sites that were opened up in a pop-up window... but unsure now of the security settings on them.
How are you trying to show them on the blogspot site? embedded or via pop-up?
I'm always impressed when someone can get underwater shots to stitch into a pano... and these are great.
I'm not familiar with the dive locations... so a basic location map would be nice (doesn't have to be integrated within the panos... just something to reference the different locations).
Not sure of the best approach... but a starting point would be to mirror the existing documentation structure onto the wiki.
I think it's one of those things that will be great in a couple weeks / months... but the initial launch is a bit cumbersome.
But, I tried to do a little bit to help..
Some more thoughts...
First - if you (Klaus) decide to commit to a wiki, then eventually you can remove the documentation that is on the site here . That can be a good thing as it would enable others to update the documentation while you churn out updates. Based upon my experience with this community, I'd say that it would be in good hands. However, my very brief experience with playing with my own wiki is that it is very easy for someone to create an account and fill the thing with links to porn and pill sites. There might be automated tools that can combat this... but it will also place some burden on you and active contributors to monitor and clean up those items. I'm not suggesting that you don't move forward... just throwing out a word of caution as you do.
Second - Basic Structure...
The popularity of krpano will draw many types of users... at various stages of knowledge about krpano, and panorama photography in general. I think the wiki structure could be setup to reflect those various user levels... and the workflows they would follow for publishing panos using krpano.
The problem is that I can't come up with an optimal structure right now... so maybe the above is just something to keep in consideration as the wiki articles are developed.
Here lies the challenge with all things... how to structure things. At least the wiki structure enables a fair amount of flexibility to adjust as things develop.
Played around for a couple of minutes and have a question and a suggestion...
suggestion first - when I picked up the book... I initially had a case of click happy... and the text at the bottom cycled through before I could read it all (actually, before I noticed that it was changing)... so the suggestion would be to either make the text more noticeable (not sure what would be better)... block user interaction for some short, but noticeable time... implement a "next" function to proceed through the book... or enable us to re-read the book.
Question once you get the exit to show... was there something else to do so that you can actually leave?
Too bad it has to be for OSX - FastStone Image Viewer has the option you want.
Been a long time since I used it... but did you look at XnView?