With an object movie, the panning buttons do not do anything until you've zoomed in.
I'd like to be able to gray them out until you've zoomed in, and gray them out again when you're zoomed all the way out.
Is this possible?
With an object movie, the panning buttons do not do anything until you've zoomed in.
I'd like to be able to gray them out until you've zoomed in, and gray them out again when you're zoomed all the way out.
Is this possible?
Thanks Michel, that hack worked perfectly!
I would like to hide the text of a showtext action by clicking (anywhere) with the mouse, before the showtime (20 seconds in this case) has expired. Is there a way to do this?
Here is the code I'm working with:
<action name="starttext">
showtext("this is where my start text goes",infostyle);
<textstyle name="infostyle"
origin="center" edge="center" textalign="center" background="false" border="false"
fontsize="40" textcolor="0xFFFFFF" bold="false" effect="glow(0xFFFFFF,0.7,4,2);glow(0x000000,1,4,2);dropshadow(3,45,0x000000,2,0.6);"
showtime="20.0" fadetime="1.0" fadeintime="1.0" alpha="0.7"
Thanks Steve,
The logic behind your response makes perfect sense. How would this work practically? Would you drop each set of 36 images (for each row) into the MAKE PANO (MULTIRES) droplet separately? Then, which files would need to be altered so that moving the mouse up or down (when zoomed all the way out) switches which row you're looking at, while maintaining the same column number? Where exactly would your source code go?
Sorry, I'm not much of a programmer, and I appreciate your help immensely!
This is great, thanks Mael!
Is it possible to create a "progress slider" so a user could fast-forward or rewind to any given point in the audio?