Posts by floz

    I'd have essentially the same question - would it be possible to load your lensflare plugin from a central location, and just set some parameters locally in pano.xml? Right now I can do this with the good old

    <lensflare name="lf0"  ath="115.63"  atv="-49.63"  size="0.17" blind="0.1" blindcurve="3.00" set="DEFAULT" visible="true"  />

    , but am looking to convert this to your plugin...

    For Facebook shares, you need to specify an SWF file in a special html meta tag.

    I did that, but forgot to append which XML file to actually use, since the SWF I referred to was just the bare-bones player (as created by one of the droplets).

    The trick was to append ?pano=bla.xml so that the player actually would know what to show *wink*

    So this finally worked:

    <meta property="og:video:secure_url" content=""/>

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to get Facebook embeds working for a friend.

    It all seems to work, except that when the panorama is loaded, I get a blank screen and the log shows WARNING: External interface NOT available.

    Any idea why that could be happening? Here's the page (to be shared on Facebook) if you want to see for yourself:

    Thanks for any pointers! I've read the instructions relating to this with offline usage, but that's not the case here!

    Hi there,

    I just noticed that the copyswf option is gone (in 1.17 as well...).

    Since I have my templates elsewhere, how do I prevent errors like "ERROR: krpano.swf not found!" and "ERROR: calling the protect tool failed!" ?

    I simply don't want kmakemultires or now krpanotools makepano to copy any swf files. Thanks!

    Hi there,

    Not sure if it's me, but I'm trying to use KRPano Protect to protect my krpano.swf and krpano.js to a server that (currently) can only be accessed by an IP address.

    If I add that IP to the "Limit domains" box at the bottom, all is good, no license error.

    If, however, I access this server with a (locally set) host name (to save me the typing of the IP address all the time...), I get a license error. If in turn I try to add that hostname to the domain list, I get a message "not a valid domain". I assume the tool is checking for a . somewhere in the name, but there is no dot in my hostname...

    Anyway of resolving this?

    I'm trying to get this going on a FLAT pano. Now, this trick works perfectly fine in the Flash viewer, but not in the new HTML5 multires preview viewer (build 2013-07-30). In particular, the calc_pos_from_hfov_yaw_pitch_roll action is not placing the image correctly. It looks like the image's height and width is incorrect (the location seems right though...).

    Any idea why?

    Thanks for your input, Alexey. Unfortunately, that didn't help.

    I did find the culprit, however. Klaus, not sure if this is something for you to look at, or if there's a simple logical explanation.

    This DOESN'T work:

    lookto(90,0,80, smooth(45,45,60), false);

    But this DOES (i.e. the fov is correctly limited in HTML5 [it always works fine in Flash...])

    lookto(90,0,80, smooth(45,45,60), false);

    In other words, the order of set and lookto matters.

    Well, the problem is that iOS7 is still in beta, and things do change.

    Everyone around the interwebs applied the old hide-url-bar-trick by using javascript scrollto(0,0). However, since the URL bar behaviour has changed in iOS7 this is broken. Initially (beta 1), it was badly broken, as the scrollto command would scroll the content underneath the bar (so your web app navbar would actually be hidden!). Thankfully, Apple fixed this in beta 2 (or 3), so that scrollto now scrolls to the top and stuff doesn't get hidden - BUT: the url bar is no longer pushed away.

    Klaus, have you found a way around this issue?

    Absolutely fantastic work, Klaus. Thank you!

    Quick question. I can't get it to work in my environment though. This may have several reasons. For instance, is a tile size of exactly 512px a requirement for the mutliresolution to kick in? I've also tried it with a pano that has a tile size of 480px, also to no avail.



    PS: If it helps, here's the XML I was trying it with (the normalview function gets called from within defaultskin.xml...) :