Posts by lybarrondo


    Is Everpano still supported? I'd been playing with it and had some questions about how to improve the transition between panos. Here is my first crack at this, which I am very intrigued by. It's not publishable with the tearing of the geometry and nasty transitions between panos. It is possible to fix that in xml, or do I need to switch to Blender and 'baked textures'.

    Thanks for any advice on how to improve the quality of this. It's got promise for touring simple spaces like this, but not if the transitions can't be smoothed out. Totally wrecks the immersive experience at the moment.


    Loren Ybarrondo

    Powerful concept and fun to play with. Looking forward to a future interface that allows better modeling tools and housekeeping of the geometry. I can make some cools stuff, but get frustrated by a brand new program. As expected, it's buggy. However, I do recommend buying it as it's a good introduction to concepts that are about to sweep through our field.

    Thanks Jordi!


    I have a tour that I had hoped to build with PTP, but we all know that isn't happening now.

    I have almost completed the tour using krpano, but have one issue remaining. I want to integrate an entry video (aka LivePano). I had that add-on and PTP, but without them I am stumped on how to integrate the video and it looks bad just dropped in as a video billboard.

    If there is anyone out there who can integrate this video please let me know and we can work out a fair price to have you do that for me. The panorama and video were taken with a D800 and 14-24mm lens at 14mm. I shot the panorama and then the video without any changes in camera settings. I also have the audio track from a mic the person wore that can be added to the video to make a polished piece.

    Thanks for any help folks can provide! I like how the tour is turning out and think the video entry would really make it pop.

    Here draft tour is at:


    I'm using a D800 with Nikkor 14-24mm lens @ 14. Typically take 7 bracketed shots at 1 stop apart. Pick every other one and use Photomatix for HDR, with real estate setting. (Not a fan of Photomatix, but it does a good job on this kind of imagery.) Final processing is via Lightroom, though I'm switching to Luminar and Affinity as I'm tired of renting software built on outdated code.




    Here is a large and complex tour of the National Museum of the United States Air Force. I'd consider it a beta and know that I have edits and bugs to fix. I love the snapshot feature and embedded media. Just click on planes to learn more about them.

    Let me know what you think of it and any suggestions on how to improve. The map is still not what I want and I'm looking to add zoom and scaling to it later.




    I just wanted to say thanks for such a great plugin. I am working on a large tour and this is a wonderful addition. The tour is not complete and I have lots of UI/UX work to do, but this is a perfect addition. I added a camera icon to the control bar of a default UI and it works great. Still need to hook up FB and such, but very impressed with your work on this plugin. THANKS!!




    I've been trying to figure out how to embed the Gotham font family for use in a custom tour interface. I am getting stumped on how to get it to work in both Flash and HTML5. I am running behind on the project because of this and would like to hire (i.e., pay) someone more skilled to embed the font family for me.

    Assuming that this can be done, is there anyone capable/interested in this small job?




    I did notice that the other players are having the same problems. Tourweaver and Pano2VR are using Google's defective implementation of CSS-3, which results in the cube faces dropping out as the view changes.

    I've checked the following on these same devices:

    and like the other players, the cube faces are being dropped. I did notice that the effect is less pronounced when the zoom is set higher. I need to add browser detection to divert Android 3.0+ to either a custom error message or something less than the full tour (perhaps this defective implementation). I'd like to make it clear to my clients that the problem lies with Google and not the tour.

    Can you provide this version of the viewer?




    Unfortunately I can't rely on visitors with Android 3.0+ being savvy or patient enough to work through the issue. I can reword my statement as, "Krpano is not consistently working on Android devices beyond 3.0.", but the effect is the same. I can't reliably supply a tour to those devices, nor answer client complaints about the negative feedback. In web design, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the attention. If 5 visitors out of a hundred can't view the tour because of this problem, which ones bother to provide feedback? It's 5 nasty emails about how the tour doesn't work and 1 annoyed client.

    BTW - Your Galaxy Tab 10.1 is about to get an upgrade to ICS. (sorry, but I couldn't resist pointing that out)



    Unfortuately krpano is not working on Android 3.0+ devices that didn't ship with Flash, which is most of them as far as I can tell. I've checked on just about all of the major devices for sale (and on the N7 that I just bought). The panoramas on produce an error notice asking for upgrade to Flash 9/10, but clicking on the link takes you to the play store, which wants to install Flash 11. Then there is an error that states that Flash 11 is not compatible with the device.

    Basically, krpano is not working on Android devices beyond 3.0. (if there is a workaround, please let me know.)


    I have an Android 2.3 phone and I can run a tour I built without any problems. However, when people with an Android 4.0 phone try to access the site they get an error stating that they need to update to Flash 9/10. I thought those devices came with Flash preinstalled, so I don't understand the error. I went over to a Verizon store and checked this out on several of their new phones (all with 4.0 or ICS installed). I got the same error. I went to the main krpano site and tried to load the examples and got the same error, so it wasn't something with my code. Does krpano not run on Android 4.0 phones? (or more likely, I am missing something simple.)

    I've checked the forum and can't see anything on this other than 1) Flash will not be supported on Android 4.1.x by Adobe (i.e. Flash is dead very soon) and 2) Android does not support HTML5 CSS 3D transformations correctly, so you can't use that to display panoramas on those devices.

    Thanks for any help.

    - Loren

    I think you are accessing one of the first two links, which are built for a desktop. The third link is to the mobile version. Can you please double check to make sure it is the mobile version that you are having issues with on the iPhone. There shouldn't be any shadowbox to open or hotspot arrows on the floor for the mobile tour.