Great job... good ideas on on how to game-ify a project.
Posts by thwohojr
Yes, all files are on the same server and in their respective krpano created folders.
Email sent with log in information. -
On line 23 you have: <!---autoroteta--->
Change to: <!-- autorotate -->delete the extra "-"s
This is causing a parsing error. You can test review your tour.xml file by viewing it in Firefox. -
I've created a multiresolution tour using 1.17Pr2. I uploaded it to my database for users to access. Everything works great on desktops.
When I initially checked it on my iPads I was getting a black screen. So I checked the forums and read about HTML5 and Cors issues.
I added the code:and checked my iPads again and all images were now showing.... Yah!
That's when I discovered the new problem- none of my "onclick" sounds will play... :(. Actually when I click the activating icon it kills other panos from being displayed - a semi-freeze if you will.
I tried adding absolute paths and alsoboth of which worked fine on the desktop but my iPads do not play sound.
Here is the applicable code:
Code<plugin name="soundinterface" url="plugins/soundinterface.swf" alturl="plugins/soundinterface.js" preload="true" volume="1.0" mute="false" />
If I take the same tour and load it on a different server, independent of the database, all things work well. Unfortunately I know nothing about the database or databases in general.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
See the charts and explanations for compatibility on this page:…d_media_formats -
Im getting just a black screen with the imagemap visible in my html version, doesn't throw up any errors in the console. The flash version works fine. Ive tried commenting out blocks of code but still nothing. Any ideas?
This occurred to me when I encrypted the tour.xml file. (yes, I had the html5 box checked) Everything worked fine on desktops, but on any mobile device all I got was a black screen.
I agree. I have the iPad 1 and iPad 2 (skipping the iPad3&4 for now, hearing that the iPad5 will play Flash.... ... just kidding) I just wanted a smaller Android device so that I could test functionality and sizing issues.
Thanks. -
Thanks for the prompt replies...
After reading your replies I found a web-page that has a chart displaying different devices/browsers and their capabilities...
Looking at the chart it... the Kindle Fire HD uses the "custom" Silk browser... no support for Css-3d... AND you cannot download/install/use the Chrome for Android browser (or any other CSS-3d compliant browser that I could find).
The Fire HD is all wet for my purposes, therefore it goes back today.
Thanks again for your help. -
I just purchased a Kindle Fire HD to do some testing on a 7" screen. The Fire HD (Android 4.0) does not support Flash, so I assumed it would pick up the HTML5 code. Well I was half right ... it picks up the coding for plugins and hotspots just fine... but the panos themselves are screwed up. It appears that it is pulling the large cube faces, in a zoomed in position, and the cube faces are stacked on top of each other, not aligned. You can see where the edges of 2 cube faces are overlapping and when you "pan" the image the 2 cube faces move in opposite directions.
Any thoughts or suggestions? (Besides return the Kindle Fire HD)