Beiträge von vcpano

    How can I make a button to return to previous page? *confused*

    Here I added Onclick event... (tour.xml)


    <plugin name="return" url="img/btn_back.png" keep="true" visible="true" handcursor="true" onclick="goBack();" />

    Also I added below on the html tag... (tour.html)


    type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[function goback() {window.history.go(-1);}// ]]></script>

    But it doesn't work.. *huh*
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you.

    Hi ;)

    When I encrypt a xml file error message appears as;

    XML parser error: element is malformed (#1090)

    It works fine with iOS devices.. it shows only in Android devices.. any ideas?? *confused*

    Thanks for reading! *smile*

    <plugin name="pause_load" url="img/pause_load.png" visible="true" align="righttop" height="prop" keep="true" 
    onclick="if(waiting_load,stopdelayedcall(delay_loading_scene),delayedcall(delay_loading_scene,2, loadscene(scene1)));switch(waiting_load);"/>


    Thank you Serge for the reply *thumbsup*
    I'm just wondering how I can put those code if there are more than a single scene..
    For example, I just gave you an example as "events name="scene1" but there are also "scene2", "scene3" and more..

    delayedcall(delay_loading_scene,2, loadscene(scene1)) <- scene2, 3, 4 and 5... *confused*

    Thanks for reading!! *smile*

    Hi there

    I am using "Onloadcomplete events" for automatically loading the next scene and I'd like to add a pause button for it.. any ideas??

    such as like below!

    <events name="scene1" onloadcomplete="delayedcall(10, loadscene(scene1); );" />

    for the pause button,

    <plugin name="pause" url="img/pause.png" visible="true" align="righttop" height="prop" keep="true"

    thanks for reading! *smile*

    Hi *smile*

    It's quite complicated for me to explain about what I am wondering.. *confused*
    So I will give an example of it *tongue*

    Here are three different panoramas.

    I want to bring those into pano_complete.xml
    and make buttons to open(load) each panoramas.

    Is it possible with Krpano?

    Thanks for reading!

    hi there

    i added some polygon hotspots but it doesn't work on html5.

    here is the way i added polygon hotspots;

    <!-- place your scene hotspots here -->

    <hotspot name="thumb1" keep="true"
    visible="true" enabled="true" handcursor="true" capture="true" children="true"
    onclick="openurl(,_blank);" />
    <point ath="21.6" atv="-4.4" />
    <point ath="21.5" atv="7.6" />
    <point ath="38.5" atv="7.7" />
    <point ath="38.6" atv="-4.4" />

    any helps please!! *cry*

    Thank you for you reply.

    I just modified it as you wrote.
    Also here is the example link that I'm currently working on;
    (Please click the green information icon)

    Draggable layout has set as alpha=0.0 and enabled=true when pano loads the scene,
    but it doesn't work well on iPhone.
    The Draggable layout is invisible correctly but it seems there is something wrong with 'enabled' set.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Best regards


    the above problem has been solved :)

    I want to make a hotspot show up draggable text field on iphone but it doesn't work.
    It works fine on the desktop.
    Could you please help to solve this problem?

    1. tour.xml

    <scene name="scene_AAA" title="AAA" onstart="point();" thumburl="panos/AAA.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">

    <include url="include/scene1.xml" />
    <hotspot name="textdrag" url="img/text.png" scale="1.0" ath="14.021" atv="-20.639"
    onclick="set(layer[textbox].enabled,true);set(layer[textbox].alpha,1);" />


    2. include/scene1.xml

    <action name="draglayer">
    if(%1 != dragging,
    copy(drag_currentx, x);
    copy(drag_currenty, y);
    copy(drag_stagex, mouse.stagex);
    copy(drag_stagey, mouse.stagey);
    set(drag_sx, +1);
    set(drag_sy, +1);
    if(align == righttop, set(drag_sx,-1); );
    if(align == right, set(drag_sx,-1); );
    if(align == rightbottom, set(drag_sx,-1); set(drag_sy,-1); );
    if(align == bottom, set(drag_sy,-1); );
    if(align == leftbottom, set(drag_sy,-1); );
    sub(dx, mouse.stagex, drag_stagex);
    sub(dy, mouse.stagey, drag_stagey);
    mul(dx, drag_sx);
    mul(dy, drag_sy);
    add(x, drag_currentx, dx);
    add(y, drag_currenty, dy);
    delayedcall(0, draglayer(dragging) );

    <!-- a special action for dragging the text only vertically with a certain range -->
    <action name="draglayer_text">
    if(%1 != dragging,
    copy(drag_currenty, y);
    copy(drag_stagey, mouse.stagey);
    sub(dy, mouse.stagey, drag_stagey);
    add(y1, drag_currenty, dy);
    add(y2, y1, pixelheight);
    sub(y2, %2);
    if(y1 GT 0, set(y1,0));
    if(y2 LT 0, sub(y1,y2));
    delayedcall(0, draglayer_text(dragging,%2) );

    <!-- the example layers -->
    <layer name="textbox" type="container" align="center" alpha="0.0" enabled="false" visible="true" handcursor="false" x="0" y="0" width="500" height="500"
    bgcolor="0x000000" bgalpha="0.7" bgcapture="true" ondown="draglayer();" onclick="set(layer[textbox].visible, false);" >

    <layer name="title" url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/textfield.swf" children="true" enabled="false" align="top" y="5" width="100%" autoheight="true"
    border="false" background="false"
    css="text-align:center; color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px;"
    html="Textbox" />

    <layer name="textmask" type="container" align="lefttop" x="10" y="30" width="480" height="440" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" bgalpha="1.5" cellpadding="5px" maskchildren="true">

    <layer name="text" url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/textfield.swf" children="true" align="lefttop" visible="true" x="0" y="0" width="100%" autoheight="true"
    border="false" background="false"
    css="text-align:left; color:#000000; font-family:Arial; font-size:15px;"
    ondown="draglayer_text(start,260);" />


    <!-- text html -->

    <data name="textdetail">
    <p align="center">
    <font face="times" size="16px" style="font-family:times; font-size:20px; padding:15px;">