Beiträge von LutraCorax

    Hi -

    I've run into a problem in IE11 and Edge where hotspots are capturing touch events, despite capture being set to false in the XML. Things work as expected with a mouse, but it's impossible to drag the panorama by touching a hotspot. I know IE has a non-standard way of handling touch events, which may be at the root of it, but I'd assumed (perhaps naïvely) that Edge would be more mainstream.

    Has anyone else noticed this, or better still, found a workaround?


    I've just upgraded my work machine to Windows 8.1 with Internet Explorer 11. As expected, it finally adds WebGL support, but - disaster! None of the hotspots in my project, or as far as I can tell any of the examples on, are responding to click or touch events on HTML5 panos. The mouse pointer correctly changes to a hand when it's over the hotspots, but nothing happens when they're clicked. It affects both the Metro and desktop versions of IE11.

    Can anyone else confirm this, please?

    I've no idea if this is a serious bug in IE11 that can't be worked around, or if it's possible to update krpano to fix the problem. On the plus side, the Metro browser does now allow plug-ins, so Flash can at least be used as a fallback if we have to wait for Microsoft to fix this.