Beiträge von fellipe

    I'd like to create 02 buttons.
    The code I'm using is:

    Now for the normal button (to come back to the normal view) the plugin is:

    <plugin name="ver_normal" url="images/normal.png" ath="0" atv="0" onclick="action(rectview);"
    	align="bottom left"		
    x="285" y="80"		
    ox="0" oy="0"	
    onhover="tween(scale,1,0.1); showtext(Voltar à visualização 360°, texto)"
    onout="tween(scale,0.8,0.1)"	/>

    Now my question is: I'd like this action "rectview" to set this values: <view hlookat="0" vlookat="0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="110" maxpixelzoom="1.5" fovmax="130"/>

    Can you help me?

    Great job. When you first talked of wedding panoramas, I wasn't sure how well it could be done, but you have done a great work with style.


    Thanks. Yes, it's possbile but I don't want to focus on this market. I'm a wedding photographer so it's easier to add this new service to my clients, but I'll try to focus on other markets. Real estates, private companies, etc.

    Lucky couple to get married in 360° view, hope they cherish these moments whole life.
    Great presentation & wonderful skin for the tour, 1 suggestion is to use architectural projection for such tours as it distracts when the view gets tilted.

    Overall great presentation, thanks for sharing such inspiring work.

    Thanks :) It's actually my first panorama job. I also hope they enjoy these moments in 360º. Better now it's made using krpano :) I almost delivered single panoramas made with pano2vr :(

    Great job Fellipe,

    It seems you've gone from "complete newbie" (your words on from your first post) to quite accomplished in less than 3 weeks!

    Congrats. Very nice portfolio!


    Hey Steve. I also cant believe I did learn (well a little) in less than 3 weeks. When I started it seemed impossible. But as Jarredja said me once: It clicks, sooner or later :)

    Hi Fellipe,

    Excellent tour, great photography and a skin/interface that totally suits the subject matter.

    Great work.


    T12, thanks for your compliments on my work and on the tour. I hope I made a simple yet elegant skin. *thumbup*

    I added a bottom banner to a new tour I'm creating but I'd like the bottom banner img maintain its aspect ratio no matter the screen size. How can I do that?

    The code:

    I just improved the code and now the menu can be open onclick and hide onclick and also it's closed automatically if mouse out, but with a small delayedcall (to avoid "jerky" mouse movement) that is cancelled if mouse over the menu again.

    Here's the code, if anyone is interested:

    my current code is:

    What I need to do?

    <plugin name="thumbnails" 

    but it's maybe nice to make a close button..

    you also have an /> to much after the first plugin.. *attention*

    Tuur *thumbsup*

    Fantastic Tuur. It's better than I thought, I mean with your code the menu hides when user select a thumb :)