Beiträge von peos

    I mean of course a panorama shot, sorry for the confusion.

    The plan is to take two panorama shots of an rectangle shaped empty room with frames with white canvases. The panorama shots would be taken in two different location of the room. Then I would like to add the flat photos into the frames. It should be possible to "walk" in the room between the two different shots. Later on I would like to keep the same room but change the art on the walls.

    How difficult would this be to setup measured in time for a programmering that is not used to this program?

    Best regards,


    Hi Alexey,

    Thanks for the answer. I do not know if I will be able to code the tour, haven't familiarized yet with the program.

    Is it also possible to add paintings to an empty 3D room with just the frames and add the images later? I am still unsure because I have not seen any examples anywhere.

    Best regards,



    I am new here and before I purchase this product I would like to know if it has the functions i need. I am planning on having 3D vernissage shows for my art and I wonder if I can add the art images afterwards I have taken the 3D image?

    For example:

    1. I take a 3D image of a empty showroom with white paintings
    2. I add the images of my painting afterwards on the white paintings
    3. I add a 2D function that shows a 2D view of the painting.

    Similar to this:

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,
