Posts by thatkeith

    "Shooting the still with a fisheye lens and the video with a rectilinear lens would present alignment issues, I fear."

    I've struggled to get seamlessly-embedded video clips lined up in KRPano. I achieved this more easily in 3DVista VTP, but I think my experience may still be relevant in terms of your concerns...

    I found that the video clip MUST be shot with a rectilinear lens in order to fit into the scene properly. Anything shot with a fisheye lens was distorted in the final result and precise alignment was effectively impossible to achieve. I had moderate success with defishing tools in video editors but I never found anything that has the precision of a RAW photo editor. In the end I concluded that the only serious way to capture video clips for integration into a 360 photographic scene was to shoot with a rectilinear lens, regardless of lens was used to capture the 360 photo content. Just keep it on the tripod and pano head.

    (Keep in mind that whatever you shoot with will be entirely reprojected as part of the equirectangular stitching process! You can shoot a pano with a rectilinear lens or a fisheye lens. The reason we typically use fisheyes is only because we get a wider angle of view for a given focal length. My 16mm fisheye captures more than my 14-24mm rectilinear lens even at 14mm.)

    Hi Tuur,

    Please forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to get a video to show in a distorted hotspot but getting nowhere. The space in the scene is a TV screen, but it's angled away from the viewing point so it has a very strong perspective distortion. I have your toolbox in place and it comes up, and I've made a hotspot – but how do I get the video to show up, distorted to fit the defined area?

    Again, I apologise for my ignorance! :-O


    The tutorial on extracting a hotspot using PTGui looks really good, but it's at least eight years old and the instructions refer to and show a VERY old version of PTGui. The software today doesn't match up to the things that the instructions talk about, which is really frustrating as I would love to do this! Is there an updated version of these instructions anywhere?

    Here's the existing tutorial:…38120#post38120


    There will be an option in the next release to tell the krpano viewer that the video has an alpha-channel (but keep in mind that such videos wouldn't work in iOS) and also other new options for transparent videos that will work everywhere.

    This is fantastic news! I know we have to wait for the next release, but hearing that this will soon (or at least soon-ish) be possible is really encouraging.


    I have a registration code for Everpano from when I bought the upgrade bundle back in October. I was too busy to test it then so it is only now that I find I can't register the software! The supplied registration key just produces "Invalid Code" when I try it in Everpano.

    Please help, this is really frustrating! :-O


    I'd really like to be able to obtain the current H and V view coordinates of a scene, so I can do something with them 'outside' of the actual KRPano panorama. For example, someone looks around a scene, and the H and V values of their current point of view are displayed in a field elsewhere in the web page, outside the panorama.

    Is this possible? It could be either on a user-invoked trigger (clicking a button to fetch the values) or as a constant feed of the values as someone looks around. I can deal with what happens next, if it's possible... but if anyone has suggestions for how to try this I'd love to hear them!


    I've been doing this for some time. I gave a talk about this at the IVRPA conference in Prague in 2016. The EPUB FXL (fixed layout) format is entirely standards-based HTML/CSS/JS, so it's quite possible to crack open one of these files and add your own code. But it is FAR, FAR easier to use Adobe InDesign and the add-on CircularFLO, from

    I've worked with this developer to enable arbitrary web code embedding in fixed-layout EPUBs generated with InDesign and CircularFLO, specifically so I can create EPUB ebooks with embedded 360 tours. This even works for split-screen mobile views for Google Cardboard and similar headsets!


    Thanks Klaus!

    The video and even the resolution issues aren't big problems for me right now; I'd like to begin by making some of my existing regular panos work smoothly in the Gear VR, then look at showing info panel hotspots. (I have an experimental research project I'm preparing that this will help with enormously.)

    I can handle 'very soon'. I'll cross my fingers that it really will be very soon! *cool* *thumbsup*


    KRPano 1.18.5, Mac OS X 10.11, Safari 9.0, Flashplayer plugin

    Opening the video player example in Safari produces a black browser window and an error message:

    ERROR: unable to open video - file:///Users/thatkeith/Desktop/krpano-1.18.5/examples/videointerface/video-1920x960.mp4

    If I open the example in Firefox or Chrome it works.
    I've been poking at it with a BBEdit stick for a while but I'm stumped. Any thoughts?


    I've tried using different xml files for each and the same xml file for each, but I know that's not what I need to do here. I could be missing something obvious, but how do I get an action to control two different panos?

    Or to look at it slightly differently, how do I get a button to trigger an action in each pano? Hmm... this feels like it might be a more fruitful avenue. But I'm still stumped. *huh*

    I've managed to get two panoramas to turn in sync, using the JavaScript Sync example.

    I have a Little Planet button that I'd like to make work in the same way: tap in one pano and both change the view settings. (And then the same to return to normal view of course.)

    I've looked but I can't see how to nail it. Any suggestions?

    Fisheye adaptors that screw onto regular lenses are never much good, sorry. :(

    You may well be better off shooting with a basic 'kit' zoom lens at its widest point, although that will mean you have more images to stitch together. By all means try a fisheye adaptor, but do be aware they're not the real thing. You'll get soft images, probably with strong chromatic aberration and difficult-to-manage distortions.
