lol yes, I was replying to GarethB
Posts by majdsalim
I can help, PM me with requirements.
Hello all,
I need help getting the lucidcam to work with krpano, I don't have much experience when it comes to stereo.
But for what I know, krpano supports this kind of video specially its support of side-by-side stereo video.Here's a sample video if someone wants to help me with the <image> tag. you
- Stereo-support also for fisheye images or videos (Side-by-Side or Top-Bottom).
Does that mean cameras like can now be supported by krpano, if yes would it give good stereo on all devices/headsets?Thank you Klaus
Hello all,
I made this test example putting 3 animated hotspots, but its showing as black squares on chrome, messed animation on Edge results are the same even with on animation. I also tried the krpano pr12 version and gave me the same results
Is there a solution for this?
Thank you -
when I add width/height to a distorted working hotspot in VR it disappears! is there a workaround for this other than having to set all images at a fixed width/height?
Also in both VR and normal mode, if I put scale of a hotspot to 200 it still the same.
Thank you -
No, this is ladybug 3 export. I didn't modify anything. I tried other videos and its working fine.
I am having an issue with 360 video render in krpano. my video is 2048 x 1024 with 16 frame per sec. but its showing this distortion at bottom and top. why would that be?
I have a problem with seek() function of the videoplayer plugin.
I am only experiencing this in 360 video does not seek accuretly to the requested second.
Here's an online example:
Any help?
Found nothing in my PM. You might want to contact me on
Hey Please check out my portfolio:
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Good day fellows
I want to offer my services as krpano developer and user interface designer. if you have one or ongoing virtual tours projects that you want to customize it and make it look nice contact me. I have over 10 years of experience in krpano development, and I made some really nice projects for clients all over the world.
Check out my portfolio that I made using krpano.
If you want any help send me an email to
Thank you
I am trying to get krpano to trigger an action when the Hlookat is between two (x and y) degrees
I've checked here all related posts, tried the they're either not functioning or not reliable http://post%201Trigger Event at HLOOKAT update from old post
I have about 3 hotspots that I need them to be visible when the user viewing them.
is "onviewchange" enough to do that? or do I need a javascript function with listener, I figure this will kill the browser no?
ok I managed to make it work offline by adding <plugin name="flipbook" url="books/booklets/book1/bookcontent.swf?book.bin=books/booklets/book1/files/book.bin" />
(It didnt find its files before when its in a folder other than the pano.swf folder)
AGAIN, it works offline, but not online.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi thank you for your reply
Is there any other solution to that? I have about 20 swf flipbook files that have other files, they're all named content.swf and I can put them all in the main tour.xml folder.
I just want to display them and being able to make them visible/invisible, and flip pages.
Note: I embedded them using 20 "html:data" tags with textfield as src="...../book1/content.swf >>> etc. the work perfectly offline but when testing the tour on amazon S3 they're not working
the swf file DOES work on its own, it need files to be on the same level, I made sure all its files are there.
and the file loading inside the pano, but says: missing files