Beiträge von sergvcx

    I am using the same mp4-video as video-hotspot, but decoded output is a little bit different between FLASH and HTML5 videoplayer.
    This video is such that it must not have any visible joints with canvas.

    But there is quite visible edge of video-hotspot in FLASH mode, while in HTML5 there are no visible joints (in the same web-browser).
    This effect is quite visible on smooth region like in the sky :

    With FLASH it looks like more saturatued . And in HTML5 it is ok.
    I prefer to use FLASH . Why this unpleasant effect is apperead only in Flash and how to fix it ?

    INFO: krpano 1.17.4 (build 2014-06-04)

    I see incorrect Editor pugin behaviour of R,SAPCE keys in Editor\Add image hotspot\Edition Image Hotspots.

    I want to align image hotspot in distorted mode using Editor plugin. I enter in "Editor" button and "Add Image hotspot".
    And then I try to fit (distort) my image in panorama by moving , scaling and rotation.
    I press CTRL, SHIFT, R or SPACE for this, sometime it works well - image is have been distorted as i want (for example if I never press CTRL or SHIFT).
    But usually only scaling up or down is happened even if I press R or Space with mouse dragging. (It looks like my last key CTRL or SHIFT stays pressed instead of R or SPACE i press)The behaviour changes and is unpredicatable . Problem is same in different browsers in Windows 7. What is it ?

    My initial code :

    <scene name="scene_9" title="" onstart="" thumburl="panos/9.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">
    		<plugin name="options" url="./plugins/editor.swf" />
    		<hotspot name="hs2" 
    			 url="ball.jpg" 			 ath="-98.01887" atv="-24.336338" width="300" height="300" 
    			 distorted="true"	         />