Sadly I dont have access to the headset anymore. Next time I will try to check if I can enable WebXR via Cordova.
Posts by dreidesign
Hey Klaus,
I tried different things.
Your "hack" mentioned in another thread wasnt working for me:
I also tried different settings, with portrait/landscape etc. in the cordova settings, without any effect. But sadly I'm out of ideas
Hey guys,
I'm trying to convert a krpano tour to a standalone android application via cordova. This application should run on a standalone vr headset.
The tour itself is running, but the problem is that the orientation is off. The panorama is rotated about 90°, but the interface isnt. Does anyone know what could be the issue? In cordova I set the device orientation to landscape.
Awesome, thanks for the detailied explanation.
Awesome, that "hack" works.
But why is it needed? Not really getting it. -
Thx for your response.
Can you tell where you see the bracket error? I cant find it.
The trace(hotspot[get(hsname)].onhover); outputs:
showtext(get(hstitle), hotspotTextstyle) -
Hey guys,
I've got a problem with an action for some hotspots. I would like to show some text on hover. Therefor I've got the showtext plugin, problem is that I can't get it to show the text I want.
No matter what combination I'm using for the variable, showtext got the right style but doesnt show any text. As soon as I enter text by hand instead of a variable its working correct. When checking the variable via "trace" I get the correct response, so the variable isnt empty.
Maybe someone could have a look at the action (problem is at line 22 onhover):
Display More<action name="choose_style" scope="local"> txtsplit(caller.styles, ',', arr); set(caller.onclick,remove_style_hotspots(; for(set(i,0), i LT arr.count, inc(i), txtadd(hstitle, '"', get(scene[get(arr[get(i)].value)].title), '"'); txtadd(hsname, 'hs_style_', get(i)); txtadd(hsurl, '', get(scene[get(arr[get(i)].value)].thumburl)); txtadd(hsposition, calc(view.hlookat),',',calc(view.vlookat),',',calc(view.fov)); addhotspot(get(hsname)); hotspot[get(hsname)].loadstyle(skin_hotspot_choose_style); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].url, get(hsurl)); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].ath, calc(caller.ath)); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].atv, calc(caller.atv)); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].linkedscene, get(arr[get(i)].value)); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].linkedscene_lookat, get(hsposition)); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].onloaded, set_css_id('test')); set(hotspot[get(hsname)].onhover, showtext(get(hstitle), hotspotTextstyle)); trace(hstitle); if(xml.scene == arr[get(i)].value, tween(hotspot[get(hsname)].alpha, 0.5, 1.2); tween(hotspot[get(hsname)].scale, 0.38, 0.6); , tween(hotspot[get(hsname)].alpha, 1, 1.2); tween(hotspot[get(hsname)].scale, 0.48, 0.6);); tween(hotspot[get(hsname)].rotate, calc((360/arr.count)*(i+1)), 0.6); tween(hotspot[get(hsname)].rz, calc(-(360/arr.count)*(i+1)), 0.6);); </action>
Hello guys,
I try to bring some logic into our panotours especially for floorplan navigation. Normally I would have added one "plugin" for every location I would need.
For example:Code<plugin name="Standort01" style="skin_mappoints" x="220" y="210" /><plugin name="Standort02" style="skin_mappoints" x="320" y="260" />
I know wanted to simply create the "plugins" automatically by the number of scenes.
This is what I camp up with:
Codefor(set(i,0), i LT scene.count, inc(i), set(temp, get(scene[get(i)].name), '_Mappoint');addplugin(get(temp));plugin[get(temp)].loadstyle(skin_mappoints);set(plugin[get(temp)].x, get(scene[get(i)].mappointX));set(plugin[get(temp)].y, get(scene[get(i)].mappointY)); );
Problem is that only one "plugin" is getting created. Even tough the loop works double checked via a trace.
Anyone know what could be the issue?
Got it! Problem was "set" of the variable. Instead using "txtadd" did the job. -
Thx for the explanation.
I dont really get why its this way, but as long as it works. -
I'm trying to pass variables to an action. But when using a variable for the loadscene I just get "null" as error.
This is the action:
Code<action name="startVideo" scope="local" args="var1,var2">set(layer[video].visible,true);set(layer[video].onvideoplay, eventstarter(); loadscene(get(var2), null, MERGE|KEEPPLUGINS));layer[video].playvideo(get(var1));</action>
And this is the calling:
When using trace the variable is correctly printed in the console, and the first variable for the video url is also working. Just not the loadscene.
Hallo Leute,
ich habe leider Probleme ein ganz normales "flaches" Video als Szenen Hintergrund einzusetzen.
Das Video wird immer verzerrt als wäre es ein 360 Grad Video.Im Prinzip habe ich eine Szene mit einem flat Pano und möchte dann in ein Flatvideo überblenden.
So sieht der XML Teil für die Video Szene aus: -
Got it working with your second example.
Thx. -
I've wanted to use the splitscreen functionality via the stereo attribute. Problem I got, is that one of the panos is distorted when I've got the splitscreen enabled (Some tiles are not correctly aligned).
When I'm looking at the distorted pano as a single, everything looks good. Is there anything I've overlooked?Also another question, is it possible to use the prealign of different "eyes" of the stereo display?
I would like to know if it would be possible to implement webp support.
With simple browser check if it supports webp and then load webp instead of jpeg, which would just lay in the same folder like the jpgs.
Would this be possible?
Wenn ich für ein Plugin Tag als align="bottom" eintrage, wird der Y Wert ignoriert egal ob positiv oder negativ.
Ist das normal? Wenn ja, kann man das irgendwie ändern?
Hallo Klaus,
vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
Jetzt habe ich das Prinzip glaube ich fast komplett geblickt.
Das einzige Problem, welches ich jetzt noch habe, ist die Bodenhöhe. Wenn ich mir das in der Oculus Quest anschaue, dann ist der Boden im Pano ungefähr 10-20cm tiefer als der Boden in der Realität.
Hat sich jetzt glaube ich erledigt, ich musste einfach im Stehen die Seite neuladen. Dann war die Höhe korrekt. Ist es möglich einen Controller Button mit einem Positions-Reset zu belegen?Die Kamera habe ich auf eine Höhe von 1,70m in 3D gepackt. Die Werte die du händisch eingetragen hattest, waren auch genau die, um welche die Mitte des Modells vom "Weltursprung" entfernt saßen.
Beim neuen Export habe ich jetzt in 3dsMax, meine Geometrie an die 3D-Kamera geheftet und die Kamera auf den Nullpunkt verschoben. Dann muss ich auch nichts mehr in der XML anpassen (abgesehen von dem Boden-Problem). Das erklärt dann auch einige Frage, welche ich bzgl. mehrerer Standpunkte in dem gleichen Raum hatte. Es müsste so ja eigentlich möglich sein, eine STL für mehrere Standpunkte innerhalb eines Raumes zu benutzen, wenn man die entsprechenden stlmove Werte anpasst.
Ich glaube ich hatte es in einem anderen Projekt direkt mit einer STL versucht und da hatten die Parameter trotzdem keinerlei Auswirkung. Aber ich schaue sonst nochmal.
Hier der Link zu den Dateien:
Daten -
Ich hatte das Problem bereits im Support Thread für die Depthmap angesprochen. Ich schaffe es nicht die 3D-Modell Variante für die Depthmaps korrekt zu benutzen.
Ich habe mal einen Demoraum in 3D gebaut und eine "Tour" gebastelt: Pivot von der STL liegt genau dort wo auch die Panokamera steht. Wobei für mich hier auch eine weitere Frage auftaucht, muss man dann wenn man mehrere Standpunkte in einem Raum setzen möchte, unterschiedliche STL's haben?
Eine weitere Frage die mir beim herumexperimentieren gekommen ist, kann man auch für Stereo Panos eine Depthmap nutzen?
The depthmap feature is supported with cube, multires-cube and spherical images.
Here an overview of the supported image-types by krpano: you have a 6x1 cubestrip you could use that on the krpano MAKE VTOUR droplets (they will convert it automatically to separated cube images) and then use the everpano 3D to load that tour.
Or build the tour and add the element manually in the xml:
Thx I got that. But the "real" question was which kind of "format" the depthmap has to be. I tried to convert the depthmap to a cube, but then its not getting recognized. So it seems that the pano itself can have "cube, multi-res or spherical" but the depthmap as an image has to be spherical, is that correct?
The stl would be need to centered at the position where the pano camera is.
About scale - a unit of 100 in the stl relates to 100cm in krpano.The basic idea is that the stl file itself should be made in a way that it would fit the pano image, but krpano also offers several (undocumented) additional settings for customizing the stl loading.
Here the available settings:
But finding the correct settings manually will be probably difficult...
Maybe make a separate post with your example, then we can try finding the correct settings for it there.
That makes sense. I tried it again, setting the pivot of the geometry to exact camera position x/y/z. But the issue still persists, the bottom of the room seems to be at the height of the camera. I tried setting the pivot of the geometry to the floor but that didnt change a thing.
The not documented additional settings, doesnt seem to have any effect when I change them.
Is there anymore information on how a proper .stl has to look like? I'm trying for hours different exports of a simple room modeled in 3dsmax and I cant get it working. Its seems that the floor height is totally off, but I dont know how to fix that. I played with the scale parameter but nothing works.
Only way which I got working is the normal depth map, but only as a spherical pano.