How i can pass some args to actions_from_new_krpano_layer and than use it in
Posts by omegas
I use flat pano (with polygonal hotspots) as map for my virtual tour. And want to open it with standart skin_showmap action.
Tryed to load it in vtourskin.xml in skin_map container this ways:
1. <layer name="skin_map_img1" type="iframe" iframeurl="%VIEWER%/map_poly.html" />
2. <layer name="rrr" type="krpano" onloaded="krpano.actions.loadpano('%VIEWER%/map_poly.xml');" />But nothing!
map_poly.html runs my flat pano tour
map_poly.xml - xml core of my flat pano tour
both work wellWhat i made wrong? How i can open flatpano over standart pano?
I found this option: usercontrol="off"
Looks like what i need, thank you!
How i can lock flat pano, disable mouse drag function? I am trying some limitview option, but no result.
May be sombody know, how i can make polygonal hotspot on flat image and use all krpano funcions on it?
I can use simple hotspots (layers) with x/y coordinates. But i need closed polygons.
I think, i can use cylindrical pano, lock limits of viewer and than use polygonal hotspots in ath/atv coordinates. But it is looks not very clear.
Any ideas?
Is any way to add Polygonal hotpot on map or image? May be there is some way to drow polygonal area in x/y coordinates?
I have my own map/plan image and want make clackable some areas on it.
Quoted from "lizard.king"
Do you have any plans to add polygonal hotspots in the near future?Yes
If you add the "onInitialized" attribute to your plugin, you can run an action as soon as the plugin initialized!!! This can works for you like a welcome popup!
Like this:url="plugins/easy_html_lightbox.js"
/></plugin>Is any way to setup my own style for open_infobox_popup?
Or disable (resize) images in it? -
1. How i can update my plugin to the latest version?
2. I want run some action after user close infobox_popup. How i can do it? -
Hello. Can you add option to control zorder of animation elements of your plugin?
It doesn't work pdf open in mobile safari on iphone. I can open and save only first pdf page.
Is any solution? -
Hello, any news?
I have the same problem, only onclick event can play sound. I need onover event sound too, any solution?
Here is a working example: it's useful for someone!
I use this example to make some information hotspots (without linkedscene).Code<krpano><!-- Tooltips VR --> <!-- skin_hotspotstyle_vr - style for the hotspots with VR enabled tooltips --><style name="skin_hotspotstyle_vr" url="vtourskin_hotspot_hexa.png" scale="0.5" edge="top" distorted="true" tooltip="" linkedscene="" linkedscene_lookat="" onclick=" if (legendb, set(hotspot[vr_tooltip].enabled,false); copy(tooltip,legendb); loadstyle(vr_tooltips); set(hotspot[vr_tooltip].enabled,true), skin_hotspotstyle_click());" onover="tween(scale,0.55);" onout="tween(scale,0.5);" onloaded="if(skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, copy(tooltip,legenda); loadstyle(vr_tooltips); );" /> <style name="vr_tooltips" onover="tween(scale,0.55); copy(hotspot[vr_tooltip].url, tooltip); copy(hotspot[vr_tooltip].ath, ath); copy(hotspot[vr_tooltip].atv, atv); set(hotspot[vr_tooltip].visible, true); tween(hotspot[vr_tooltip].alpha, 1.0, 0.2);" onout="tween(scale,0.5); tween(hotspot[vr_tooltip].alpha, 0.0, 0.2, default, set(hotspot[vr_tooltip].visible,false); );" /> <hotspot name="vr_tooltip" keep="true" url="" distorted="true" vr_timeout="750" visible="false" alpha="0" enabled="false" zorder="2" edge="bottom" oy="-2" devices="html5.and.webgl" /> </krpano>
Im modified onload part.
And my information spots look like:
Code<hotspot name="spot2" style="skin_hotspotstyle_vr" ath="-139.559" atv="37.041" linkedscene=" " legenda="legendas/pan2_1.png" vr_timeout="2000" legendb="legendas/pan2_1b.png"/>
I want change tooltip image with onclick event directly (onclick). It works, but you need mouse out and than mouse in. How i can change image instant after click?! It works perfect with onhover on PC (but didn work on mobile VR)...
for(set(i,0), i LT %2, inc(i),
It`s works strange... At first all frames freezes, but 5-10 seconds later - buttons starts working, and then swipe. Desctop Ch/Ff -
How i can disable zoom function? I need mouse wheel for other action...
Perfect! So easy! Thank you!
So... There is no way to solve this problem now?
I have polygonal hotspots that upper than normal in html5 and below in flash. How i can put polygonal hotspots below normal in html5?
When i touch hotspot in Android (touch screen device) - tooltips shows only when my finger pressed on it. How i can show this tooltip for 3-5 seconds, when my finger is leave this hotspot?