This plugin is absolutely awesome! Having the ability to add numerous galleries that combine zoomable still images, downloadable documents and youtube videos gives anyone the advantage of being able to integrate media being produced by their customers on a continuous basis into their KRPano panoramic projects. I am grateful to Alexander for the innovations in all of his plugins...and for making them available at such a reasonable price. Moreover, enough can't be said about the genius and generosity of Klaus for making this amazing platform he invented Open Source!
Posts by Reggie
Tuur created a link to an awesome add-in that he calls the "Toolbox." If you the choose "Numbers" item on the tools list you could drag your map to where top of map is level with top of the stage or screen. Press L to get a pop-up of the values and use the vlookat value. I think this will help. Here's the link to Turr's Toolbox:…olbox#post74910
This tool is awesome. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this. It is a very useful tool! Is there a way to play a panovideo (360 video) inside of the viewer? When I try, it plays as the 360 video flat. I noticed in your example earlier in the string that the Klaus panovideo example was playing in the TV on the wall. But it, too, was playing only as a flat video with no interactivity. Thank you again - Reggie
Ha! You're so right Tuur. There's nothing more relaxing than watching Bob Ross!
Thanks Mael!
I use Panomaster's original plugin much....and your improvements are awesome. I'm going to use this today! Thank you for improving and sharing an already valuable tool!
Cheers, Reggie
Simple is a relative term. It took me hours to figure out how to correctly implement the code generated by this tool, but I am so happy that I worked on it....and I'm very grateful that you were generous enough to take the time to develop it...and share it!
Cheers! Reggie
I have used dead links in Caps as Combobox items to serve as subheadings to separate a list of parks by region (NORTH, SOUTH, etc.) Is there a way to change the font color or background color for only those items (item 2, item 13, item 21, item 34, item 53 in the list below) to distinguish those subheadings?
<combobox name="cbsettings" design="glas" align="righttop" x="100" y="120" zorder="1" onchange="selectItemByName(0);">
<item name="item1" caption="John Tarleton Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_4600, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item2" caption="NORTH KNOX COUNTY PARKS" onclick=""/>
<item name="item3" caption="Powell Station Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9452, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item4" caption="Powell Greenway" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9536, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item5" caption="Sterchi Hills Greenway" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7457, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item6" caption="Sterchi Hills Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7469, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item7" caption="Tommy Schumpert - AYSO 337 Soccer Complex" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0300, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item8" caption="Halls Greenway" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7148, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item9" caption="Halls Community Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7220, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_updatescroll(); "/>
<item name="item10" caption="Tommy Schumpert Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7295, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item11" caption="Clayton Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7076, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item13" caption="SOUTH KNOX COUNTY PARKS" onclick=""/>
<item name="item14" caption="Alcoaway Optimist Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8804, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item15" caption="Bower Field" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9119, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item16" caption="French Memorial Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8888, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item17" caption="I.C. King Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8936, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item18" caption="Mead's Quarry Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8753, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item19" caption="Marine Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0657, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item20" caption="Maloney Road Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8996, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item21" caption="EAST KNOX COUNTY PARKS" onclick=""/>
<item name="item23" caption="Beverly Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_6698,null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); " />
<item name="item24" caption="Carter Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0005, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item25" caption="Corryton Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_6947, null,MERGE,BLEND(1));skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item26" caption="East Knox Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0200, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item27" caption="Gibbs Ruritan Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_6923, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item28" caption="New Harvest Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0771, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item29" caption="Three Ridges Golf Course" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_6734, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); " />
<item name="item30" caption="Forks of the River Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9680, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item31" caption="Mascot Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0137, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item32" caption="Spring Place Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9968, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item33" caption="Thomas Tank Strickland Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9848, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item34" caption="NORTH WEST KNOX COUNTY PARKS" onclick=""/>
<item name="item36" caption="Ball Camp Community Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0618, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item37" caption="Ball Camp Soccer Complex" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0447, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item38" caption="Guinn Road Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7907, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item39" caption="Harrell Road Stormwater Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9401, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item40" caption="HIckory Creek Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9143, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item41" caption="Meadow Creek Soccer Complex" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0708, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item42" caption="Melton Hill Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7832, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item43" caption="Nicholas Ball Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0423, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item44" caption="Powell Levi Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9560, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item45" caption="Solway Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9254, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item46" caption="Knox County Sportspark" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9302, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item47" caption="U.S. Cellular Soccer Complex" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9182, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item48" caption="10 Mile Greenway" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0363, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item50" caption="Walker Springs Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_0375, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item51" caption="Hardin Valley Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_4528, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item53" caption="SOUTH WEST KNOX COUNTY PARKS" onclick=""/>
<item name="item54" caption="Admiral Farragut Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7979, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item56" caption="Carl Cowan Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8105, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item57" caption="The Point at Concord Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_JMG_4504, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item58" caption="Concord Park East" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8258, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item59" caption="Concord Park West" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8387, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item60" caption="The Cove at Concord Park" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_8471, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item61" caption="Turkey Creek Wetland" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_9155, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
<item name="item62" caption="Pellissippi Greenway" onclick="loadscene(scene_IMG_7931, null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_showskin(); skin_updatescroll();skin_showthumbs(true); "/>
</combobox><combobox_design name="glas" margin="2" open_close_speed="0.25">
<style name="combobox_container_style"
bgborder="1 0x000000 1.0"
bgshadow="0 4 10 0x000000 0.3"
<style name="combobox_marker_style"
css="color:#222222; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;"
<style name="combobox_item_style"
css="color:#000000; font-style:bold;"
bgborder="1 0x000000 0.0"
txtshadow="0 0 4 0x000000 0"
onoveritem="set(bg,true); set(bgborder, '1 0x333333 0.5');"
onoutitem="set(bg,false); set(bgborder, '1 0x333333 0.0');"
</combobox_design>Thanks, Reggie
The new combobox is awesome, but in new build, despite using "tooltips_mapspots="true" in skin settings, the mapspot tooltips are not showing on mouseover for Google Maps.
Also worth mentioning is that I get an error message when opening the new Tour Editor that says "plugins/scrollarea.js failed to load (0)" even though the scrollarea.js is in the plugins folder. Once hotspots are added to the panos using the editor, they show a tooltip on mouseover, but mapspots do not.I really need tooltips for the mapspots in this project and would be gratefui to learn of a solution or workaround for this.
Regards, Reggie
For those of us who are not "coders," something like this is truly a gift. I will buy this when you are ready to sell it!
Cheers, Reggie
Thanks Pur!
Thanks Man! Very generous of you to share works like a charm!
Cheers, Reggie
Hi all,
i made 2 gallery's to show flat photo's in your tour.
- normal
- slideyou can download them here:
free to use, free to transform… just have fun!
examples:…gallery_normal/…y/gallery_slidei hope you enjoy!
TuurThank you Tuur! These are nice arrows to have in the quiver!
Umalo posted this…image#post54665 I'm not sure about the fading part, but I have used this a number of times. Here is an example w/o the fade: .
Cheers, Reggie
The guy voted for the gallery! This is my wife's brother.
Thanks for your feedback!This is so creative! Thanks for sharing San!
......your ingenuity is eclipsed only by your generosity!
Klaus, KRpano is awesome!
My first workflow experiments with 360 video involved uploading to youtube (before integrating into KRpano) and I quickly learned that editing options for 360 video in the non-KRpano world are extremely limited. For KRpano though, anything is possible. Once again, I feel like an idiot for not looking at the main .xml file first, and I always feel really humbled when you are gracious enough to reply to dumb (in retrospect) questions like mine!
I'm experimenting with the Nikon Keymission 360 Camera and am discovering that the editing options for the ouput are few. With some experience using the old Nikon "two-shot" opposing views fisheye lens from Nikon, my first instinct in using this Keymission camera was to position it so that it splits the light source evenly to minimize exposure variations in the "hemispheres." Unfortunately, the initial view of the resulting video often ends up being the opposite of your intended focal point.....and there seem to be very few editing softwares that will allow you to adjust this. Adobe Premiere seems only able to do it with the addition of the expensive Mettle Skybox plugin. There is an "offset" adjustment feature in "After Effects" that may also work, but since I don't yet have access to "After Effects," I thought I would ask here for any advice about re-setting the initial view in 360 video.
I have been experimenting with ffmpeg for doing conversions, but have not seen anything in my research that would solve this problem. Also, am having trouble with using ffmpeg to mix a music track with the existing video talk track in the footage. I am getting a ' " ' error related to the complex filter that has been generously supplied on different websites for doing this. Any advice would be appreciated.
Cheers, Reggie
' -
For me, the code and the demo that you give here provides the platform I have needed to make an "evolutionary" leap in understanding concepts like zorder, tween types, and the construction of actions. This is a pedagogical master stroke!
Cheers, Reggie