Posts by ninerian

    A while ago, Google made a blogpost about the change of the projection for 360 videos. It seems, this improves the overall quality of the videos.

    As Google now uses this type of videos on YouTube, I made a test video, which I uploaded to YouTube and downloaded it, after its conversion. The resulting image is attached to this post.

    Are there any plans to support this projection type with the videoplayer plugin?

    What 'background' do you mean and how can it go dark...?

    Sorry, but generally - without knowing your case/example I can't help.
    Maybe open a thread and post there all details - example-links, browser, system and so on...

    I discovered the error too. It seems the renderCycle is evaluated, after the krpano DOM element is removed. And in the script it tries to access the style property of that element. But while the element is gone, its throwing the undefined error.

    Hello Klaus,

    thank you for the steady development.

    Unfortunately their occured a bug in this release, which regards the Samsung VR Browser.

    When I start the WebVR Example and click on Start VR, the Browser goes fullscreen, but Web VR isn't initialized.
    In the console the warning: submitFrame must be called within a VRDisplay.requestAnimationFrame callback. is logged.

    Hello Klaus,

    would you be so kind, and implement support for the Device ZTE Axon 7 (ID "zte-a2017", screensize 5.5) in combination with Daydream? Actually the screen is split and the gyroscope of the device isn't used. Also the low persistance mode isn't activated. The website is working on daydream, so it is possible.

    Thanks for the great work on krpano. *thumbsup*

    Hello Klaus,

    I asked you before, about this topic. Now I've got the time to experiment a bit, but reached a wall, where I can't get further. When I switch to a different program in my framebuffer drawing function, there is a error thrown by webgl.


    [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0x7fd0ffc4e600]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glDrawElements: attempt to render with no buffer attached to enabled attribute 2

    It seems the vertexAttributes aren't enabled, after I restore the krpano state.

    To get to the root source of the error, I simplified the script to just render the triangle / square demo from to the framebuffer. Now there isn't any error, but the hotspot is only rendered black. Maybe you could give me a hint, how It could work.

    I use the glMatrix-0.9.5.min.js library to calculate the matrices. To call the function just use


    Thank you very much for your help.

    Hello Klaus,

    thanks for all the great work. *thumbsup*

    Actually we're testing the new VRone Plus and discovered a stuttering with the Samsung S6.
    As you noted in the documentation, this is caused by the mobilevr_lens_dist2 parameter.

    Would it be possible to use only mobilevr_lens_dist for this glasses?

    I use the looktohotspot function before loading a new pano to zoom into the scene. Before the pr5, this worked fine. But with pr5 the hlookat, vlookat and fov aren't resetted to the view settings of the new xml. Instead it's overwritten by the target from the looktohospot function. Is this a bug or a intended behavior?

    Hello Klaus.

    In the documentation of the makepano tool you are suggest to obtain squared tiles and a size of 512px for better performance. I have tried your multi resolution template on serveral files in the size of 5000x2500px and 10000x5000px. But the resulted files are often not squared. There are many small rectangular files.

    How much does this impact on the performance?
    Is it possible to generate only squared tiles, or this even needed?
    Could you explain, how the resolution is related to the level of the tiles?

    Thank you


    Hello Klaus,

    actually we are trying the Oculus Rift DK2, and the resolution of the tour seems to be lower in direct mode then in the extended mode. Is the Oculus software adjusting the quality when the graphic card isn't so powerful? The PC uses Windows 7 and has a Geforce GTX 750 build in.