Thanks Tuur. That's a good example, but I still would like to have a navigation frame that stays in place, while the pano loads in the larger frame. I will continue to torture myself trying to fix it.
Posts by pan-o-rama
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Tuur's example works above but it is using not 12.
For me, this example does not work (well it "works", but the navigation is lost, which is the same problem I'm having.)
Here are the steps to recreate the issue with the example above:
- Use Safari 5.0.2 with User Agent set to iPad
- Choose the top-left option (Aspen)
- Choose the left-most little world button (although, they all have the same problem)
- The pano will jump out of the frame and cover the navigation
All of the examples in this thread are broken for me, and I'm having problems also. The mobile panos always go full-screen and cover up any navigation. I'm not able to fix this yet. I am having the same problem, even though I am using a frameset (!). Any idea on how to fix this? I'm testing it with Safari, by switching the user-agent. Nothing works. Please help!
Perfekt, danke Klaus!
I have a map image, that I want to scale up (tween) when clicked. But I want to scale to a percentage of the stage height.
So, something like this:
Display More<!-- Map --> <plugin name="map" url="../img/map-large-notext-rotated.png" visible="true" align="bottomleft" y="114" x="10" width="100" height="100" keep="true" handcursor="false" scalechildren="true" zorder="6" onclick="[I DON'T KNOW]" />
Is there any way to accomplish this?
I've tried:
But that just makes the map disappear when I click it.
My example is here.
Success! I finally got it. Thanks to you both.
So just to explain to any Photoshop dummies like me out there, when you are creating the mask, the portion of the mask you want the sweep to show through should be white. The portion of the mask that hides the sweep should be transparent.
I think that's what tripped me up, the fact that transparency hides it and opacity lets it show through. It seems backward.
Thank you, Run and floz! Very helpful info, exactly what I was looking for.
I will give it another try and update the thread with my success or failure.
Ok dumb question time. Can someone explain radar masks to me?
I want to hide the sweep when it goes outside my map, here, but I have no idea how to do it.
I have looked at the krpano demo, and seen the radar mask .png, but I am not a Photoshop pro and don't know how to make a graphic like that. And I don't really understand - if the sweep shows through the transparent parts of the mask, what color are the opaque parts of the mask?
Obviously, I'm not that great with graphics programs.
Anyway, the point is I would really love a For Dummies tutorial.
I think you can set the width and height values to % values, in which case you shouldn't even need to do anything else. Please let me know if you can't, because my project will require this when I get to the plugin coding part and it's best to avoid nasty surprises
Thanks Protected, I will check it out. What I would really like to do is have it fill the space, but stay a set number of pixels away from the sides. I will tinker with it further.
Never mind, got it:
Code<events onenterfullscreen="set(plugin[map].scale, 1.0);set(plugin[map-bg].scale, 1.0);" onexitfullscreen="set(plugin[map].scale, 0.5);set(plugin[map-bg].scale, 0.5);" />
But now I'm not sure how it will look on different screen sizes. I will try to see if I can scale it to a % of the screen size.
So, dumb question, I know if I continue to look in the documentation I will find it somewhere, but I'm wondering how I can scale a plugin when the panorama goes to fullscreen (or, if it is already at fullscreen, to appear scaled already).
Here is the example:…rtour-forum.asp
When you click on the Map button, the map will appear (I will eventually have little hotspots on it). What I would like, is that if the map is visible and the pano goes fullscreen, for the map to scale up. Or, for the map to be scaled up already if the pano is fullscreen when the Map button is clicked.
Here is my code for the map image and its background:
Display More<!-- Map --> <plugin name="map" url="../../img/map-large-notext-rotated.png" visible="false" align="center" scale="0.5" zorder="6" /> <!-- Map background --> <plugin name="map-bg" url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/textfield.swf" html="" visible="false" align="center" zorder="1" height="556" width="549" backgroundcolor="0x000000" roundedge="5" shadow="1" borderwidth="0" glow="4" alpha="0.5" scale="0.5" />
And for the map button:
Display More<!-- Top button - Show Map --> <plugin name="map-off" url="../img/button-2-map.png" visible="true" zorder="2" alpha="0.8" blendmode="normal" origin="righttop" x="70" y="4" height="62" width="62" handcursor="true" onclick="action(togglemap);" /> <plugin name="map-on" url="../img/button-2-map-on.png" visible="false" zorder="2" alpha="0.8" blendmode="normal" origin="righttop" x="70" y="4" height="62" width="62" handcursor="true" onclick="action(togglemap);" />
And the "togglemap" action:
Display More<action name="togglemap"> set(dontshow, false); if( plugin[map].visible == true, set(plugin[map].visible, false); set(plugin[map-off].visible, true); set(plugin[map-on].visible, false); set(plugin[map-bg].visible, false); set(autorotate.enabled,true); set(dontshow, true) ); if( dontshow == false, set(plugin[map].visible, true); set(plugin[map-off].visible, false); set(plugin[map-on].visible, true); set(plugin[map-bg].visible, true); set(autorotate.enabled,false); ); </action>
(I know it probably wasn't necessary to post all of that code, but just in the interests of completeness.)
I know the answer is probably painfully obvious, but I am making myself crazy over it.