Beiträge von nikaera

    > Sorry, but there is no ARM version of the krpano tools.
    OK I see.

    I discovered one method to use krpanotools on ARM.
    (But only 1.0.6.x or lower version..)

    For the person who wants to use krpanotools on ARM, here is the method.

    1. Install qemu(CPU Emurator)
    2. Confirm whether qemu-i386 command is usable.
    3. Download toolchain for i386
    4. Unzip Toolchain files somewhere.
      (ex. tar xjvf toolchain-i386-glibc.tar.bz2 -C /home/nikaera/toolchain-i386)
    5. Make a path to toolchain at LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
      (ex. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/nikaera/toolchain-i386")
    6. Download krpanotools version 1.0.6.x or lower._
    7. Unzip Krpanotools files somewhere.
      (ex. tar zxvf krpanotools- -C /home/nikaera)
    8. Change directory to the folder where krpanotools is unzipped.
      (ex. cd /home/nikaera/krpanotools)
    9. Input command as following.
      -> qemu-i386 ktransform
    10. If a ktransform help is displayed, succeed!!