Posts by Peter360

    And here another idea by using a krpano layer: *wink*
    Chromakey Video as Layer


    This still seems to load an ugly black background on mobile (android) which stays until there is a keystroke? Any ideas?

    Hi Folks

    Taking Birdseyes suggestion I have been trying to include the "Compare Panorama" example as one scene within an xml file with other (single image) startscenes. The only thing I could think was to "nest" scenes like this (see code) but it doesn't seem to work (it creates the left/right framework OK but the left panel is empty and it seems to load the next scene into the right panel).

            <scene name="compare" title="Test" >

                <include url="../4d/4d.xml" />

                <scene name="pano1" >

        <preview url="panos/0033ramsPettHigh.tiles/preview.jpg" />

    <image prealign="0|205|0">

                <cube url="panos/0033ramsPettHigh.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="1024,1280,2560,5248" />



        <scene name="pano2">

            <preview url="panos/0290ramsgateBeach.tiles/preview.jpg" />


                <cube url="panos/0290ramsgateBeach.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="1024,1536,3072,5632" />




    (note "4d.xml" = compare-panos.xml less the " <!-- the two pano images to compare -->" section)

    I am sure my approach is totally wrong but any pointers would be very much appreciated.

    (I guess possible conflict between general xml loadscene action and IMAGEONLY pano setting?)



    Not sure of the reason for left/right cmaparon for stereoscopic images: perhaps am missing the point..

    The hotspots do switch between the 2 panos but side by side just duplcates the same one pano left/right ??

    [size=10]However I am now using the Compare Panos example which seems more appropriate.

    Perhaps i am geting this wrong but...

    I am refering to tile size not number of tiles... it is a byproduct of removing the 512 size tile level (before running the tour maker) that means when you produce the tiles the number of files is reduced to c. a third: a matter of mathematics.
    I did create a modified multires command with tile size changed and then dropped the pano file to create tiles.
    I think your original answer answered my point: i didnt realise the different meaning of the first number but that makes sense when I look at other xml outputs...
    Thanks again

    Hi Hopefully just me being daft. *rolleyes*

    In the tour creator (MakeVTour) I have edited the multires tour parameters from 512 to 1024 tile sizes.
    This all works but when I review the xml the "1024" level appears twice and if I manually remove the first one it doesn't work?
    <cube url="panos/7010.tiles/%s/l%l/%v/l%l_%s_%v_%h.jpg" multires="1024,1024,2112,4224" />

    Does this cause a problem and if so how can I correct?

    Thanks in anticipation

    The KR Pano Tools Application ran fine on 1.19 but on 1.20 + it doesn't open (blue spinner but nothing further). I note it is now strictly 64 bit but that shouldn't be a problem?

    Anyone else had this experience?

    My laptop spec
    intel core 17 6500u cpu
    8gb ram
    64 bit operating system x64 processor
    windows 10 home

    Any ideas?

    Hi Klaus

    Have you come across this any ideas?Tks


    google indexing loading error message

    Hi there

    Can anyone give me ideas how to stop google indexing the "INFO: krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30) INFO: HTML5/Desktop - CSS3D INFO" .... as the search results snippet for pages with embedded krpano tours?

    e.g. is indexed as

    Margate, Kent[/size]

    INFO: krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30) INFO: HTML5/Desktop - CSS3D INFO: Registered to: Peter Ryder INFO: startscene scene_9 INFO: aici intra pe else ...

    Any help appreciated


    Hi there

    Can anyone give me ideas how to stop google indexing the "INFO: krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30) INFO: HTML5/Desktop - CSS3D INFO" .... as the search results snippet for pages with embedded krpano tours?

    e.g. http://www.%5b/size%5D%5Bcolor=#545454%5D%5Bfont=' is indexed as

    Margate, Kent


    INFO: krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30) INFO: HTML5/Desktop - CSS3D INFO: Registered to: Peter Ryder INFO: startscene scene_9 INFO: aici intra pe else ...

    Any help appreciated


    As I write this I can guess that I am probably asking the obvious. However it's best to clarify thinking with those who know/are more experienced than me!

    I want to within a single website embed individual panos on separate pages.

    So the process;
    1. Create panos by using create multires pano droplet.
    2. Discard individual html, skin files, etc. (I have a template with my settings created for each)
    3. In my html pages refer to a single krpano.js file (can I also use a single swf file or do I need a specific one for each?)
    4. Upload individual xml and tiles folders (and swf?) to (in my case secure) server.

    Is that an efficient way or are there better approaches?

    Tks in anticipation

    Very Nice Umalo
    Yes would use; very intuitive, only question is how will hotspots work on phones/tablets; scaling is a bit of an issue and of course mobile device is the growth area/reason for upgrades.

    Add a more elegant looking multi-level drop down menu editor (I remove the bottom thumbnail navigation in mine) and you'll have it cracked!
    Cheers and thanks again.
    Peter *smile*

    Hi there
    I'm guessing something a bit daft but....

    Sorry forgot to include link...
    I have set this up from an existing krpano tour to load individual panos in a sequence

    <action name="startup">
    if(startscene === null, copy(startscene,scene[0].name));
    loadscene(get(startscene), null, MERGE,);
    action (move-4);

    <action name="move-4">
    loadscene(scene_LobbyAndBar ,null,MERGE,BLEND(2));
    <action name="move-5">
    loadscene(scene_RestDinner ,null,MERGE,BLEND(2));

    etc... and looping

    and autorotate
    <autorotate enabled="true"

    to work as an effective looping (pseudo) video show...

    However it works fine on laptop but doesn't on mobile/tablet???? (the autorotae command is "global")
    Any thoughts or is it just my poor coding? *confused*


    Do you already have your layers with maps and mappoints created. If not you have in examples code for simple usage.

    Hi Umalo
    With your guidance I have now put it all in one xml file...

    If you take a look at then you will see where I am ...what I believe I need to do is change the x axis for the four floorplans to send them out of screen to right and then have an onclick action that moves the respective one to the right position by changing the value again....but how do I do this?

    The current code for the correct combobox is;
    <plugin name="floor" url="plugins/combobox.swf" alturl="plugins/combobox.js" align="rightbottom" x="1%" y="63%" width="15%" height="4%" visible="true" keep="true" alpha="1" rowcount="10" >
    <item name="ground" caption="Ground" onclick="loadxml();" />
    <item name="lower" caption="Lower Ground" onclick="loadxml();" />
    <item name="first" caption="First Floor" onclick="loadxml();" />
    <item name="second" caption="Second Floor" onclick="loadxml();" />

    The layers are like this: with layer name "ground", "lower", "first", "second"...

    <layer name="ground" url="grndfloor.jpg" keep="true" align="rightbottom" x="5%" y="12%" width="15%" height="50%"

    The idea of tweening is good and would look much nicer and I think I can suss it out if I can get to the next stage?


    I see Umalo
    My actual idea was a simple drop down within the visible(normal pano) area but if they could be dragged from outside even better.. so what I would find useful is the link (onclick) code between selecting an item from the list and dispalying one of those images with hotspots (I reckon I can sort those out ok; although I've avoided radar as a bit too complex for me) I'm actually quite happy to find someone I can turn to in this area as I say I ain't no programmer....

    Thanks Umalo
    I understand I have not made my question v.clear...
    this is the typeof thing I am trying to achieve...
    however this involves using the combobox plug in and creating some form of onclick command that says (as in your advice I think) set a particular layer to "visible". So if there are 4 layers (=floors) then one of them could eacjh be selected from the drop down list. I just thought this would be a fairly normal requirement.
    I have been tried loading some additional xml code by ten selected although I guess this is a clumsy way of achieving what I want?

    <plugin name="floor" url="plugins/combobox.swf" alturl="plugins/combobox.js"
    align="rightbottom" x="1%" y="63%" width="15%" height="4%" visible="true" keep="true" alpha="1" rowcount="10" >
    <item name="ground" caption="Ground" onclick="loadpano(floor.xml, null, MERGE, BLEND(2));" />
    <item name="lower" caption="Lower Ground" onclick="loadpano(lower.xml, null, MERGE, BLEND(2));" />
    <item name="first" caption="First Floor" onclick="loadpano(first.xml, null ,MERGE, BLEND(2));" />
    <item name="second" caption="2nd Floor" onclick="loadpano(second.xml, null, MERGE, BLEND(2));" />

    As you will see I don't really understand xml at all... I'm a photographer!!

    Any guidance really appreciated!

    Hi there
    I'm guessing this is a bit of a stupid question...but...hey ho...

    I want to from a drop down list make the tour display different floorplans (which are set as layers with navigation layers in them) so really just trying to work out what should replace the "onclick="loadscene(scene_Set01_Panorama);" code to make a layer e.g. "groundfloor" visible and the other layers (floors) in same location (on screen) not visible.

    I'm guessing this is a pretty standard approach?

    Thanks in anticipation