Beiträge von niki555

    The "maxwidth" attribute when the layer.type=text does not work. The code below has no effect.

    <layer name="mytext"
      align="lefttop" x="10" y="10"
      html="Text.The krpano Viewer is a small and very flexible high-performance viewer for all kind of panoramic images and interactive virtual tours. The viewer is available as Flash and HTML5 application. The viewer is designed for the usage inside the Browser on Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) and on Mobiles/Tablets (iPhone, iPad, Android, ...).In addition to the krpano Viewer there are the krpano Tools - this are small tools and droplets which are helping to automatically prepare the panoramic images for viewing and making them ready-to-use. Making a pano or a tour is possible just by drag-and-drop.Convince yourself by viewing the examples and / or by downloading the krpano Viewer and krpano Tools for free and try using them with your own panoramic images."
      css="font-family:Arial; font-size:16px; color:#000000;"

    The length of the text should be limited by the "maxwidth" attribute and the text should be moved to new lines. But this is not happening. I use krpano version 1.19-pr16, desktop firefox and chrome latest versions. Is it bug?
    PS A similar question was asked here , no answer.

    About second case with the text width - I used Google Chrome for Android 54.0.2840.85

    About first case. I have js code

    $.ajax({url:'script.php', dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', data: {ajax_data}...

    Instead ajax_data I want to replace get parameter (%1), where the comma is lost. How, then, can be implemented in a simple way the transmission of all data without losing the comma?

    Hello, Klaus. I think I've found a few bugs in krpano (krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30))

    Bug 1. I am calling action, as the parameter pass the text. The action took wrong text. In my case, missing a comma.Example.

    <action name="my_func">					
    <!--  Result -'arg1':'value1''arg2':'value2' -->	
    <!-- Must be -'arg1':'value1','arg2':'value2'  -->	

    Where is the comma? -" 'arg1':'value1','arg2':'value2' "

    Bug 2. The textfield plugin (html5) get the wrong width of the text on the mobile. Example.

    As a result, the part of the text cut off.

    I'm doing something wrong or it really bugs?
    PS krpano 1.19-pr8 (build 2016-09-30)

    Thanks for the link.
    1). I still want to have a shorter code as I wrote above.

    2). About the code I'm having problems. The code is slightly modified (highlighted in red).

    <plugin url="%FIRSTXML%/plugins/embeddedfonts.swf" preload="true" devices="flash"/>

    <style name="skin_hotspotstyle" url="vtourskin_hotspot.png" scale="0.5" edge="top" oy="0" distorted="true"
    onclick="if(linkedscene, skin_hidetooltips(); tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); looktohotspot(); loadscene(get(linkedscene),null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_updatescroll(); );"

    <action name="add_all_the_time_tooltip">
    txtadd(tooltipname, 'tooltip_', get(name));
    txtadd(plugin[get(tooltipname)].parent, 'hotspot[', get(name), ']');
    set(plugin[get(tooltipname)].css,'text-align:center; color:#FFFFFF; font-family:myFont; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px;');
    set(plugin[get(tooltipname)].css,'text-align:center; color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:16px;');


    It is important for me to use is distorted="true" and rotate of the text. When html5="only", everything works correctly. But when html5="auto" my
    tooltip is not displayed. But when distorted="false" in html5="auto" my
    tooltip is displayed. This is a bug or am I doing something wrong?
    PS By the way, if the original code change on distorted="true" in html5="auto" tooltip also not displayed.
    How to solve the problem?

    You didn't understand me.
    For example. I have 100 hotspots and I want each of them had a visible caption. Thus we must have seen 100 captions at the one time. If this is implemented through the layers, there will be a lot of calculations (spheretoscreen) and a gadget or computer will slow down. Therefore, I would like to have a simple solution. There is a way to solve my problem?

    can give an example?
    The problem in determining the size of the hotspot. When distorted="false" - the size of the hotspot constant. But when distorted="true" - the size of the hotspot is changing when you rotate the view.The problem to determine the new dimensions.

    Hi Klaus.
    I want to make hotspot as pointer and labels. For this I use 2 of the hotspot

    This works, but I need to do distorted="true". How do I replace the string ox="100"? Is this possible?

    Hi Klaus,

    I use a bingmaps (i am test it on desktop with OS Win 7 and use firefox, krpano 1.16.9, bingmaps 1.16.9, krpano 1.17.4, bingmaps 1.17.4, html5="only", html5="auto"). I have a problem with url of the spotstyle. The first code works, and the second does not. I see the message: ERROR: plugin[map] loading error: %FIRSTXML%/graphics/hotspotgreen.png Why not accepted tag "%FIRSTXML%"?


    2)I did not find in the documentation, and whether there is a property "crop" for images? (For example, crop="0|0|32|32")

    1) Where can I download embeddedfonts.swf for krpano 1.16?
    2) I have the problem of displaying a foreign text. If the text is not written in English - it is not displayed.

    css="font-family:myFont; font-size:16px;"

    How to solve the problem?

    Hi Klaus,

    I use the example on this link:…50929#post50929
    I'm trying to add the rotate of the text.

    But the code does not work. Without rotate the code works, with rotate - does not work. Why?
    My the shorter code doesn't work too.

    Have any ideas how to rotate a text?
    PS.When html5:"only" this code is work, but when html5:"auto" - do not work. Why?