Beiträge von daytan

    The problem occurred with KrPano version 1.17.4 for Windows.
    I double-checked by downloading and trying with version 1.17.6 and the problem still occurred.

    I used then the latest version of KrPano 1.18.3 and the issue was solved under the same conditions.

    I did not specify an example because I hoped that a black image would have been an issue common enough to be indicative of the problem.

    Please find an example below.

    Windows 8 64bit - Firefox v36.0.1


    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>	<title> - test_sphere</title>	<meta name="viewport" content="target-densitydpi=device-dpi, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimal-ui" />	<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />	<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge" />	<style>		@-ms-viewport { width:device-width; }		@media only screen and (min-device-width:800px) { html { overflow:hidden; } }		html { height:100%; }		body { height:100%; overflow:hidden; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#000000; }	</style></head><body>
    <script src="tour.js"></script>
    <div id="pano" style="width:100%;height:100%;">	<noscript><table style="width:100%;height:100%;"><tr style="valign:middle;"><td><div style="text-align:center;">ERROR:<br/><br/>Javascript not activated<br/><br/></div></td></tr></table></noscript>	<script>		embedpano({swf:"tour.swf", xml:"tour.xml", target:"pano", html5:"prefer", passQueryParameters:true});	</script></div>


    <krpano version="1.17.4" title="Virtual Tour" onstart="startup();">
    	<include url="skin/vtourskin.xml" />
    	<!-- set skin settings: bingmaps? gyro? thumbnail controlling? tooltips? -->	<skin_settings bingmaps="false"	               bingmaps_key=""	               bingmaps_zoombuttons="false"	               gyro="true"	               thumbs_width="120" thumbs_height="80" thumbs_padding="10" thumbs_crop="0|40|240|160"	               thumbs_opened="false"	               thumbs_text="false"	               thumbs_dragging="true"	               thumbs_onhoverscrolling="false"	               thumbs_scrollbuttons="false"	               thumbs_scrollindicator="false"	               thumbs_loop="false"	               tooltips_thumbs="false"	               tooltips_hotspots="false"	               tooltips_mapspots="false"	               controlbar_offset="20"	               />
    	<!-- set optional skin logo url -->	<layer name="skin_logo" url="" scale="0.25" opened_onclick="openurl('...',_blank);" />
    	<action name="startup">		if(startscene === null, copy(startscene,scene[0].name));		loadscene(get(startscene), null, MERGE);	</action>
    		<scene name="scene_test_cube" title="test_cube" onstart="" thumburl="panos/test_cube.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">		<view hlookat="0" vlookat="0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />		<preview url="panos/test_cube.tiles/preview.jpg" />		<image>			<cube url="panos/test_cube.tiles/pano_%s.jpg" />			<mobile>				<cube url="panos/test_cube.tiles/mobile_%s.jpg" />			</mobile>		</image>		<!-- place your scene hotspots here -->	</scene>		<scene name="scene_test_sphere" title="test_sphere" onstart="" thumburl="panos/test_sphere/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">				<preview url="panos/test_sphere/preview.jpg" />		<image>			<sphere url="panos/test_sphere/test_sphere.jpg" />		</image>	</scene>

    By typing "tour.html?html5=prefer+webgl", so that flash is not used, the first scene (the one that uses tiles) it is loaded fine. When loading the second scene I see only a black image with "loading". I attach a screenshot for clarity purposes.

    test_sphere.jpg is a equirectangul panorama image with size 850x425 (I tried several sizes).

    Hopefully can help others too.


    I would like to render a panorama image by loading an equirectangular image (no cubes), like this:

    <image type="SPHERE" hfov="360" vfov="" voffset="0" prealign="">    <sphere url="pano.jpg" /> </image>

    Using HTML5 and avoiding completely Flash because some controls I added do not work otherwise.

    Is this possible?



    I tried the solution above, unfortunately the package provided by Optware is for armel architectures and does not work on armhf, which is the one I need to use.

    What I need to do in order to run the application is just to be able to display the sphere on the browser, but using html5 and a armhf OS. Does anyone any alternative suggestion?

    Thanks in advance.

    Errata corrige:

    I have just tried again with qemu-i386 and krpanotools In version 1.17.5 32bit for Linux, this is the error I am getting:

    qemu-i386 ./krpanotools makepano -config=templates/vtour-normal.config /tests/testPano.jpg
    /lib/ No such file or directory

    if I type:

    uname -a:
    SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 2 22:10:03 CST 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux


    which 1.17 version?

    I tried with Version 1.17.6 (build 2014-10-17), available at

    why even a 1.17 version and not the latest 1.18 version?

    Because I tried 1.18 version in Ubuntu 12.04 32bit, and I get a scripting error when I try to use any of the executables (a "(" paranthesis missing) - I didn't dig too much in the issue because I knwe that with 1.17.6 the error does not occur.

    are you trying to run the 32bit or the 64bit version?

    32 bit.

    are the executable rights set correctly?

    Yes, they are.

    For now I can load the panorama only by specifying "sphere" in the xml file and therefore using flash (html5:auto). As I prefer to use HTML5, is it possible to have the old copy mentioned at the beginning, just so that I can try it out and convert the panorama into tiles (cube format)?


    Hello there,

    I have just tried to run krpanotools (1.17 version) with qemu-i386, this is the error I am getting:

    qemu-i386 ./krpanotools makepano -config=templates/vtour-normal.config /tests/testPano.jpg
    Error -13 while loading ./krpanotools

    Nikaera suggests to use 1.0.6.x or lower version, is it possible to have a copy, to try it out?



    I am trying to run the tool on ARM processor...
    Unfortunately I cannot find Krpano Version 1.0.6.x in the KRPano archive or other places in Internet. The oldest version available is Does anyone know where I can find Krpano Version 1.0.6.x?

    Thank you.

    Sorry, I still don't understand what you are trying to do, but there is no ARM version of the krpano tools.

    Best regards,

    I would like a button on which the user clicks on it and a new image appears, keeping the same settings, same xml and same JS and storing the current panorama picture. In other terms, i would like just to change only the tiles and reload the page. I was asking if this is achievable.

    Thank you.

    After some research in Internet, it looks like it is possible to do it only by using the executable krpanotools (correct me please if I'm wrong).
    The problem is that the platform I am using has an ARM processor, which apparently it is not supported (again, please correct me, if I am wrong).

    Are there any solutions?

    Thank you,


    sorry, I don't understand what you mean, but you can either simply loading new webpages via the openurl() action:

    or use the loadpano() action to load a new pano/tour xml file:

    or the loadscene() action to load a new from the current xml:

    Best regards,

    Thank you very much for your answer.

    What I meant, is to create a pano rather than loading it, which would require to have one already processed with its tiles.

    In other words, when clicking the button, I'd like to pass a panorama JPEG image to the script by using only javascript, creating therefore a new pano, loading it in the display and preserving the previous one in the "previews" menu.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you again.

    I am using Krpano from just a few hours.
    I used as a starting point a virtual tour similar to:

    I managed to add new buttons in the bar, that when tapped call JS functions included in the tour.html file, by using js(code...);
    Now, I would like to insert a button that "locks" all panning controls (keyboard, mouse, touch), when pressed. And if pressed again, it unlock them.

    Is this possible?



    Inserting a new panorama tour by pressing a button

    I am using Krpano from just a few hours.
    I used as a starting point a virtual tour similar to:

    I created it by using the simple drag and drop between image and screen. The panning though is not 360 degress, but only half of that. That is, if I pan to the right, after a while it stops, and I can only pan to the left. I would like instead to keep going to the right as long as I want (and coming back each times to the starting point). Does this depend from the format of the image? How can I solve this?

    Thanks in advance.

    I am using Krpano from just a few hours.
    I used as a starting point a virtual tour similar to:

    I managed to add new buttons in the bar, that when tapped call JS functions included in the tour.html file, by using js(code...);
    Now, I would like to insert new panorama tour, by pressing a button that call JS code that know the path of the image to be used as input.

    So for example, if I have image (one tour) and I tap that button, I will end up having two images and two tours, without losing the first one (and I can navigate through them by using the preview button).

    Is this possible?
