My model in krpnao is 35MB big and would be nice to have similar percentage progress bar of loading as in example.
Try with the 'onloadcomplete' event
or just add vtourskin.xml in your main xml
My model in krpnao is 35MB big and would be nice to have similar percentage progress bar of loading as in example.
Try with the 'onloadcomplete' event
or just add vtourskin.xml in your main xml
Hi, Mischi,
Nowhere could I find an explanation of how a 3-D model is built for multiple panoramas
In the 1st screenshot, I have marked an object that I cannot create,
and, therefore, I cannot perform the required operations
the second screenshot shows my model from two panoramas
Hi Taurus!
I'm not Mitschi, and also I'm beginer in Blender but I will try to help you.
All must be in one object (like a 'MODEL' in the Mitsci's project).
You have two models, 'Plane' and 'Plane.001'. Try joints these objects in one.
In object mode select 'Plane', in modifier tab on AddModifier list choose 'boolean'. For object select 'Plane.001', and for Operation select 'Union' and click the 'Apply' button. At last delete 'Plane.001'.
Now you must have one object.
... or try create all from begining but as one object.
That means the system doesn't allow the krpano Tools app to load the krpanotools.exe. For some reason the system blocks it.
Thanks, Klaus!
The problem was with Avast antivirus.
I have some problems with the new krpanotools.exe (1.20.1).
When I start a program it shows an error 'fatal error - spawn EPERM'.
The system is win7, a previous version (1.20) works normally.
Will the new version be 1.19-pr17, 1.20, or maybe 2.0?
Finally, I got the answer to my question.
"Blocked loading mixed active content '' "
<div id="outer">
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" seamless="seamless" allowfullscreen="false" mozallowfullscreen="false" webkitallowfullscreen="false"></iframe>
Change 'http://...' to 'https://...'
... the version itself is basically finished now.
Will the new version be 1.19-pr17, 1.20, or maybe 2.0?
OneDrive is not designed for web publishing, and cannot be used to host a website/web page.
<a href="../index.html?startscene=scene_Roero_Canale_2">Roero Canale 2</a>
<a href="../index.html?startscene=scene_Sacra_di_San_Michele">Sacra di San Michele</a>
Sorry, theleeto, I didn't read your question carefully
Hi Folks,
with the demise of Kolor I'm in the process of making a safe backup of the software and licenses (like a lot of other users) but I've hit a snag with requesting the KRPano license for KRPano 1.19-pr16.
Try to contact customer support on:
Try something like this
<krpano version="1.19" title="Virtual Tour" debugmode="true" >
<preview type="grid( cube,32,32,512,0xffcccc,0xeeeeee,0xffcccc );" />
<layer name="layButton" type="container" align="lefttop" x="30" y="25" width="100"
height="30" bgcolor="0xcccccc" bgalpha="1">
<layer name="layButtCapt" type="text" align="center" background="false"
css="font-size:14px; color:#0000ff;" html="Show image"
onclick="set( layer[layButton].visible, false ); ShowImage( some_image.jpg );" />
<layer name="layImgContainer" type="container" visible="false" maskchildren="true"
align="center" bgborder="15 0x0000ff 0.5" bgroundedge="20">
<action name="ShowImage">
addlayer( layImg );
set( layer[layImg],
onloaded='set( layer[layImgContainer].width, get( layer[layImg].width ) );
set( layer[layImgContainer].height, get( layer[layImg].height ) );',
onclick='set( layer[layImgContainer].visible, false );
removelayer( layImg );
set( layer[layButton].visible, true );'
set( layer[layImgContainer].visible, true );
Display More
Hi, Does anyone know where to find the xml file for this example ? I need to create a virtual tour with same type of rador. Thanks
Thanks Klaus, for a quick upgrade of google maps plugin
The tour.xml / vtourskin.xml files were also updated - just set the API key in the tour.xml at the 'maps_api_key' setting.
I think it would be better to use this in vtourskin.xml:
copy(layer[skin_map].key, skin_settings.maps_bing_api_key);
set(layer[skin_map].url, '%SWFPATH%/plugins/bingmaps.swf');
if(skin_settings.maps_type == 'bing',
copy(layer[skin_map].key, skin_settings.maps_bing_api_key);
set(layer[skin_map].url, '%SWFPATH%/plugins/bingmaps.js');
copy(layer[skin_map].key, skin_settings.maps_google_api_key);
set(layer[skin_map].url, '%SWFPATH%/plugins/googlemaps.js');
Display More
Hi, Klaus
Links are here:
This is not on my server, and it wasn't online until now.
I dont understand this Google Maps API key error?!
If I generating GM API key, where to put it?
I use krpano 1.19-pr5
Html5 viewer does not support partial panos.
You can try cereate full sphere pano image (360x180) with your stitching software.
Create tour with .bat file, and limit viewing range with hlookatmin, hlookatmax, vlookatmin, vlookatmax atributes of <view> element.
Thanks Umalo for your reply.
Can you tell me which mobile device you use.
I've tested this tour on: Galaxy Note 3 (Android Browser 4.4, Opera Mobile 22, Chrome Mobile 42), Nexus 4 (Chrome Mobile 42), Galaxy Tab 2 (Android Browser 4.1), iPhone 5 (Mobile Safari 6.0), Win Phone 8 Simulator (Internet Explorer 10 Mobile) and images looked OK.
It is just sample of virtual tour.
Novi Vinodolski is small town on the Adriatic coast - Croatia / Hrvatska.
I'd like to get some feedback about interface, photography ... etc.
Thanks in advance!