Beiträge von Lestat

    okay - ausgegeben als Photoshop RAW, geöffnet und abgespeichert als .PSB - was müsste ich jetzt tun, um es in KRP zu zerlegen und anzuzeigen - wie gesagt: ich habe noch nie damit gearbeitet und bisher keine Anlöeitung gefunden, die mich als DAU irgendwie auf den Pfad der Erkenntnis geführt hätte :(

    I´m trying this in english - so please ask me in german if my nglish is to bad to understand the question.

    I´m stitching my panoramas with Gigapan Stitch because it is easy to use and was included with my panorama Head from Gigapan.

    It works verry well - but one of my clients would like to use KRPano for the Panorama to add more features than there are in the original Viewer of Such as interactive links and so on - also they are working with KR Pano for interactive Tours already and know the software best.

    So my question would be: Is the Support for Gigapan Stitcher already implemented? Is ist working? and how does ist work - i mean "How do i use the Software anyway" - i have not found any workaround or instructions yet ... i´m completely not able to generate a single Panorama *confused*

    I really would be happy to get a link that explains the Software or a video or something that helps me getting these two softwares working together.

    Thanks a lot!