Beiträge von Hummer

    Is it possible to open a pano through a hotspot that is display inline. It's a pano inside a pano. Or can I set a <layer> to load the pano? Or a textfield to load it?

    I might found a solution.

    Like I said, I created and exported the tour with PanoTour. After that I selected all files in the folder and dragged it into the krpano Updater. I believe that the updater is not doin' so well. After I replaced the krpano.swf, swfkrpano.js and krpanoiphone.js it worked.

    I have to add: after exporting from PT my swf was "virtualtour.swf" and I replaced and renamed the virtualtour.swf with the one from the krpano 1.16.3. They also differ in file size, 98KB PT and 96KB krpano. I also believe that the updater is not correctly recognising the main swf because there was no backup at all, if the main swf has a different filename.

    It could be an explanation.

    I exported the panorama tour through Panotour and ran the krpano Updater on the files. When I set embedpano({html5:"prefer", passQueryParameters:true}); it won't work. It only works when I disable the flash plugin (Chrome). html5:"only/always" to not work either.


    Das Problem ist irgendwie das generell Links nicht anklickbar sind. Ich hab im Text noch einen normalen Link, da passiert auch nichts.
    Ich hab jetzt schon children="true" gesetzt, aber noch keinen Erfolg.


    bekomm ich gerade irgendwie nicht hin, hab hier ein Textfeld, das will ich schließen, das will aber nicht.
    Nicht per Link event:action und auch nicht per onlick auf das Feld selber.