Beiträge von wilko124


    I have the following xml setup and when changing video files on ios mobile it losses the sound from the .mp3. Also when returning to video the sound was working on, the sound doesn't start again. Do you need to implement the .mp3 again?


    include the videoplayer plugin and load the video (use a low res video for iOS)
    <plugin name="video" url.flash="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.swf" url.html5="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.js" videourl.ios="video-1024x512.mp4|video-1024x512.webm|Sequence.mp3""video-1920x960.mp4|video-1920x960.webm" pausedonstart="true" loop="true" enabled="false" zorder="0" align="center" ox="0" oy="0""100%""prop" onloaded="videointerface_setup_interface(get(name)); setup_video_controls();" onvideoready="videointerface_videoready();"/>
    custom control setup - add items for selecting videos with a different resolution/quality
    <action name="setup_video_controls">
    add items to the control menu of the videointerface skin
    videointerface_addmenuitem(configmenu, vqtitle, 'Select Video Quality', true, videointerface_toggle_configmenu() ); videointerface_addmenuitem(configmenu, q1, '1024x512', false, change_video_file(q1, 'video-1024x512.mp4|video-1024x512.webm'); ); videointerface_addmenuitem(configmenu, q2, '1920x960', false, change_video_file(q2, 'video-1920x960.mp4|video-1920x960.webm'); );
    select/mark the current video (see the initial videourl attribute)
    if(device.ios, videointerface_selectmenuitem(configmenu, q1); , videointerface_selectmenuitem(configmenu, q2); );
    change the video file, but try keeping the same playback position
    <action name="change_video_file">
    plugin[video].playvideo('%CURRENTXML%/%2', null, get(plugin[video].ispaused), get(plugin[video].time)); videointerface_deselectmenuitem(configmenu, q1); videointerface_deselectmenuitem(configmenu, q2); videointerface_selectmenuitem(configmenu, %1);
    <!-- the panoramic video image -->
    <image devices="panovideosupport">
    <sphere url="plugin:video"/>
    <!-- set the default view - normal/rectilinear projection -->
    <view hlookat="0" vlookat="0" fovtype="DFOV" fov="130" fovmin="75" fovmax="150" fisheye="0"/>
    <control usercontrol="all" mouseaccelerate="0.40" mousespeed="3.23" mousefriction="0.79" headswing="0.00" keybaccelerate="0.50" keybspeed="10.00" keybfriction="0.90" keybinvert="false" mousefovchange="0.0" keybfovchange="0.0" keycodesleft="37" keycodesright="39" keycodesup="38" keycodesdown="40"/>


    Hoping there is someone out there that has successfully used aws cloudfront for their 360 degree videos. It works perfectly on laptop/desktop, and I did get it working on mobile this thread...…st57159%5B/size]

    However I have just realised a problem, when going to my site (on mobile) the first panoramic loads perfectly, then when I go to another page of the site with another embeded video, it fails to load, an error message comes up saying it failed to load the videointerface .png's.

    All i can think it its something to do with the caching of the files, but im not an expert on AWS, hoping that someone may have an answer.



    I have successfully set up my 360 degree videos on my site through storing the files on Amazon S3, then distributing the index.html files through Cloudfront. I have no issues on any desktop browsers however, when loading the videos on mobile devices I am receiving a FATAL ERROR - loading failed! (0), on the loading of the videointerface.xml.
    If i use the direct link of the index.html from Amazon S3, the file loads on all devices, which makes it look like its a setting in Cloudfront. I cant seem to find any threads that relate to this issue, so was hoping someone else has successfully set up cloudfront distributions.

    Cloudfront link: