Beiträge von tiak

    Hi guys,

    I returned after a little period of work with Krpano
    it's really a nice tool

    I add some new ideas to my plugin but one keep blocking me,

    I though of a way for the user to add hotspot dynamically with mouse clicks,
    all the hotspots added/removed are stored in an multi-dim array with all their parameters (position, name, style,...), this array is transfered to a php script and I modify the XML file with DOM to create/remove hotspots.
    But currently the onclick parameter need to be set in the XML file (loadscene(...)) a la mano,

    a simple idea to me was to popup a combobox on mouse position with the list of all scenes, so the user can choose which one to open with the created hotspot

    I already manage to create a combobox (with jQuery) and pop it on mouse position,
    the problem is when I need to specify the onclick action inside my <option> tag,
    I cannot reference one of my plugin methods because they are private

    so my question is :
    Can we (by any means) call a plugin methods outside the panorama xml or plugin.js file ?

    I tried the combobox.js plugin with krpano, and this can be a great answer to my jquery combobox problem
    but I can't manage to pop the combobox on my mouse cursor

    Thanks for help
    and tell me if more informations is needed

    Hi all krpano fans,
    I'm new in KRpano, and I want to add a panoramic view in a website,
    I already managed to do that for the 'user-view', now I try to add an admin page for my panorama,
    where I will add/remove hotspot with onclick event of the mouse.
    I found the editor plugin but it didn't do exactly what I want, so I started to develop my own plugin in Javascript.
    My problem is, when I try to get the mouse coordinates of the click event when I add hotspot,
    In my plugin :

    and in my XML I have :

    <events onclick="plugin[myplugin].edithotspot('mouse')" />

    But when I try that the coordinates show in the logs have one click late,
    first clic : null, null
    second click : ath of first click, atv of first click
    third click : ath of second click, atv of second click

    Anybody knows where I'm wrong ?

    Note :
    in the code addclicked/delclicked are two boolean variables activate when I click on "add hotspot" or "remove hotspot" buttons

    Thanks for help
    sorry if my english is bad I'm french