Beiträge von robin

    Thanks Klaus, unfortunately I don't think the problem comes from the video. Indeed, it's doing it with every videos encoded by different ways.
    Moreover, with the same videos, if I use the interface published here I have no problem anymore. So you'll say I have to use this interface, but I prefer the look of yours *tongue* . So you'll say I have to fix the problem comparing the scripts of the 2 interfaces, but I tried and I haven't managed to do it *tongue* .
    So I'm crying in your forum, hoping someone will help me.

    This work is absolutely fabulous, otherwise I have a question. Do you think it would be possible to use h264 streaming with the mod-h264-streaming ? Indeed, on youtube you can click directly in the middle of the video whereas in krpano you have to wait the half video is loaded.
    Message to Klaus : 2013 will be the year of panoramic video *wink* will you integrate the h264 streaming possibilities in krpano ?

    Hi, I have a problem with krpano.swf when I try to load a xml url with more than one argument.
    Here is my code :

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	embedpano({swf:"/krpano/krpano.swf", xml:"xmlgenerator.php?player=vrtv&id=paranoid", target:"panoVRTV"});

    As you can see, I don't call a xml file but a php wich generate xml code according to the parameters player and id. But here is my problem, when krpano is loaded, the second argument is simply ignored. The first argument is transmited but not the second. And if I write xmlgenerator.php?id=paranoid&player=vrtv it's the same problem, id is transmited but not player. Of course, I tested the url xmlgenerator.php?player=vrtv&id=paranoid in my browser and here there is no problem, the php script generates a valide xml code.

    Please help me ! Is there a trick to insert in the php url ? Or is it a limitation of krpano.swf who is not able to call a url with more than one parameter ?

    Hello Klaus, thank you for answering.
    -For the interface, I made some stop, play and pause buttons that you can see here. But what is still missing is a loading bar that you can click to navigate through the video, like this one .

    -For my problem, unfortunately, I'm already using an absolute path which is '%SWFPATH%/mypano/video.flv but it doesn't work.

    The transport panel you can see in my example is good but I'd prefer to use KRPano for all its customization and displaying possibilities.

    Hello, I have one problem and one suggestion about krpano 1.0.9 alpha 0.

    The suggestion :

    -I think a thing is missing in the videoplayer, that's a transport panel
    like in youtube or any other flash video player. Will it be inserted in
    the final 1.0.9 version ?

    My problem :

    -When I put the html in the same directory as the xml file, there is no
    problem, the videoplayer works correctly. But when I put the html in an
    other directory, krpano.swf is launched and the flv is loaded but stays
    flat with no possible interaction and krpano shows me the following
    error message : ERROR: download of "krpano/monpano/plugin:video" failed

    Do you know if this problem is coming from me or from the alpha version ?


    Hello, I have one problem and one suggestion about krpano 1.0.9 alpha 0.

    The suggestion :
    -I think a thing is missing in the videoplayer, that's a transport panel like in youtube or any other flash video player. Will it be inserted in the final 1.0.9 version ?

    My problem :
    -When I put the html in the same directory as the xml file, there is no problem, the videoplayer works correctly. But when I put the html in an other directory, krpano.swf is launched and the flv is loaded but stays flat with no possible interaction and krpano shows me the following error message : ERROR: download of "krpano/monpano/plugin:video" failed
    Do you know if this problem is coming from me or from the alpha version ?

    Here is what I made for the moment :

    Sorry for my english which is not perfect but I'm french.
