Posts by sigmadfzb

    Thanks klaus, they are done well by javascript, and I see the javascript examples in the viewer download package, and make an other attempt. the script part is:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function krpano(){
    return document.getElementById("krpanoSWFObject");}
    function closespot(){
    function openspot(){

    the Html part is

    when I click on them ,they all dont work, what's wrong! Thanks!

    I follow the example code of Javascript interface to make a list pano
    there is five lists, click on each one ,the beneath div can show different pano, they all work well in firefox ,but in IE, they are all invalid, include the a:hover is not working, what's the problem, it confusses me much time! *confused*

    hi all
    I want this effect:
    before open/load the pano, i want to preload a infomation plugin in the center screen, it's a pic or text, just a introduction of the pano.
    if i click the info area, then load the whole pano clearly;
    if i dont click the info area, it just load the preview.jpg pano or do nothing!
    how to set the code?

    <krpano version="1.0.8" onstart="set(plugin[info].visible,true)">
    	<plugin name="info"

    I knew how to change the text in flash *g* , acturally, I don't know how to use flash *rolleyes*

    open the source fla file, focus on the time-line panel, chose the layer1 or layer2, then open pree F9 to open the "action panel", now u can see the action script. But I dont know how change the font

    now u know how to do,just change the text as you want
    "I have a dream, I wish have a peace world!" *love*

    <plugin name="swffile" url="swffile.swf" preload="true" />
    <events onloadcomplete="removeplugin(swffile);" />

    hi, klaus
    do these codes can show the under result as I describe:
    I have my own progress bar swffile, substitute the default effect, meantime, when show the swf progress bar, the pano is also loading and can be seen.

    can i also use your codes to get my effect?

    Hi to2hov, thanks
    These are the codes, you know, i just learning the krpano, I try to pratise the attribute functions.
    I use the "topright" as you said, but it also not works, what's wrong?

    Hi all!
    I practise the krpano tools.

    In the plugin node, I try to align the plugin to the right or other position, but the result is always in left, whatever the attribute I reset, it seems not working.
    can you tell me where is wrong

    <plugin name="direction" url="1.tiles/cursor1.png" align="righttop" edge="righttop" x="100" y="100"/>
