An option, which I have used in the past, is to write out your XML via PHP (or other, like ASP, etc). Either link to the PHP script directly, or leave your file as XML, use PHP to handle all incoming variables to write out good XML, and set up your server to allow the .xml file to be read as PHP. Upside to this is that it's way faster than krpano would be, parsing out those variables.
Posts by bpc94609
I tried what u suggested but that gives THE same problem.
Offcours we talk iPhone/pad here. On desktop these things are easyIs there à way?
I need It badly
TuurHey Tuur:
Hmmm... Interesting. Testing on my site shows the same effect (or lack of ;-)). Also, on Sam Rohn's site I don't see any text on his panos, via HTML5. I'm pretty sure he's sending the text via the URL a la "pano=somePano&title=Some%%20Text", and it shows up fine in Flash.
I'll keep testing -- it may just be a limitation of krpano right now, rather than an HTML5-specific issue.
Meaning you couldn't try it? Or, meaning you did try it and it doesn't work? Or, meaning it works with Flash but not HTML5? Or, meaning I missed something?
I know that you can set the "html" of a textfield as a URL variable (like, pano=?some.xml?html=MYTEXT).
ah mmm
sorry i put the wrong text quote..
but it's there somewhere
What you posted makes perfect sense.
Best way right now is to use javascript to build an object vr and open it in a lightbox window. That's how I do it"
Still curious Robert!
Thanks, I'll give it a try!
Worked like a charm. I have to learn to read between the lines.
Thanks again for the help.
Good news!
Hey folks -- Thanks for the feedback
Like I said, I'd played with wmode to no effect... Neither "opaque" nor "transparent" seem to make a difference. I'll chalk it up to Firefox, which has always seems to have some weird embedded media display issue w/each new release.
Robert, I notice in your DIV's style you have opacity set. This is setting opacity on the -entire- DIV. Try using CSS to style -separate- spans & DIVs, and put opacity on the appropriate ones. HTH. This would also allow you to, say, not inline style your individual SPANs font, etc.
-'ve attached an example of the problem with textfield used on the
ipad. Just using the opacity: .5 you will see from the image that the
right and bottom edge are transparent but there is always a gray box
around the text. I've looked at the webkit sites to try to get this
working but no setting that I could find does the trick. Is there a solution to have a transparent
background without fading out the text and without the gray box? Any suggestions would be
welcome.Hey there:
Here's what I use to display on HTML5 devices. THis shows the text w/o any background just fine. Haven't tried using a background PNG though. FWIW:
Display More<!-- URL FOR CREDITTEXT --> <style name="credittextstyle" url="plugins/textfield.swf" /> <plugin name="project_credit_text_html5" devices="html5" style="credittextstyle" keep="true" html="[div style='width:100%;height:100%; padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px; font:bold 12px sans-serif;text-align:right;']SOME TEXT HERE[span][br /]© PSOME NAME HERE[/span][/div]" align="rightbottom" x="90" y="5" backgroundcolor="transparent" width="300" height="30" />
Hi bpc94609,
try & # 1 6 9 ; (without the spaces)
This does not work localy Local / Offline Usage.
Hope this help (better late than never )...
Hi Michel:
Turns out I had a file corruption issue; Started from scratch with a proper UTF8 text file, and now the (c) symbol shows up fine AND Web links work (and locally, even ).
Thanks folks -- About what I expected... :)
Tuur, I'd read that in the specs; I find Klaus's approach to displaying objects very interesting. It allows for the tiled display which is GREAT, but otherwise feels like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail -- a photographic objectvr really doesn't need any 3D transforming (generally speaking -- "true" 3D is another story).
Robert, what JS library are you using to display objects?
Hey there:
I've used the krpano tools to make an object vr -- It works great! But, no display on iPad/iPhone... I changed the Object tool config to say 'yes' to making tablet/phone images in the output... All I see are tiles.
Does the Object display work on HTML5? If so, what simple step have I missed?
Thanks in advance!
hi there --
awesome (and working) code example... many thanks!
i don't see, easily, how to have a full 360 rotation in vertical orientation. i have an object which will need to rotate fully vertically, and limited horizontally. Ideas? A pointer to what to modify in the code would be fine -- it appears to me to limit the y rotation by default, to the number of rows minus 1.
thanks in advance!
Hey there:
I have a krpano panorama embedded in in a Web page, inside a DIV (div id="panocontent"). I'm using the default krpano output & Javascript(s).
On my Web page I have a DIV which has some text and a button in it. On -most- browsers, this DIV overlays the krpano just fine. In Firefox on WinXP, the Flash content hides my buttons. I've tried changing wmode and other things (z-index has no effect, naturally), but no luck!
Hey again --
OK, removing the children=false works for displaying the link in Flash; the link still goes nowhere in HTML5 display. :(
So, close but not quite there yet!
Hey there:
I had children=false in my XML and this is what prevented the links from working. I removed children=false and now the links work... Whew!
Thanks for the follow-up; I searched the forums, but didn't turn up that link. Also, would be nice if children=false was noted in the textfield documentation as a no-no .
Thanks everybody!
Hi there:
Thanks for your interest!
I tried using all the variations for a link, including a target and leaving it as default, like Klaus's examples. No change! The exact XML I'm using is below. I have the latest version of krpano & plugins, etc -- and used the krtools to make the virtual tour. I really hope I'm not the only one to encounter this issue --
Display More<style name="projectcredittext" url="%CURRENTXML%/../_common/plugins/textfield.swf" css="data:css1" keep="true" children="false" visible="false" width="180" height="70" backgroundcolor="0x00000033" roundedge="5" shadow="1" borderwidth="2" glow="4" onloaded="set(alpha,0);set(textblur,15);set(blur,15); set(visible,true); tween(alpha,1.0,0.3); tween(textblur,0,0.3); tween(blur,0,0.3);" /> <plugin name="project_credit_text_flash" devices="flash" style="projectcredittext" selectable="false" html="data:html1" align="rightbottom" x="10" y="10" /> <plugin name="project_credit_text_html5" devices="html5" keep="true" url="%CURRENTXML%/../_common/plugins/textfield.swf" html="[div style='width:100%;height:100%; background-color: #000; border: 2px solid #fff; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 7px 3px 2px 7px; font:bold 14px sans-serif;'] BLAH BLAH BLAH: [br] [span style='font:bold 12px sans-serif;'] MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH [/span] [p] [span style='font:normal 12px sans-serif;'] Photography (c) John Doe [/span] [/p] [/div]" align="rightbottom" x="30" y="30" roundedge="5" shadow="2" borderwidth="2" bordercolor="0xFFFFFF" backgroundcolor="transparent" width="200" height="70" /> <data name="html1"> <p> BLAH BLAH BLAH,<br/><a href="" target="_blank">MORE BLAH BLAH</a> </p><br/> <p class="copyrightcredit"> Photography © (works) John Doe </p> </data> <data name="css1"> p{color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial; font-size:14; font-weight:bold; margin-left:7; text-align:left; } a { font-size:12; text-decoration:underline; color:#cccccc; font-weight:bold; } a:hover { color:#ff6500; text-decoration:none;} .copyrightcredit{ font-size:11; font-weight:normal;} </data>
Hey Boubou:
Thanks! :)
Well, I tried that method of escaping (but that's not really the right way to do it in XML anyway IIRC), with no luck -- I really think the issue was with the document encoding... It all works now!
Hey there:
So it appears that making sure the XML document is UTF8 encoded is the probable cause for the garbling of special characters in the XML/textfield output. Sheesh!
I also added an XML doc declaration at the top of xml, but it may not be 100% necessary. At least now it validates ;)