Posts by bazevent

    Great, but how I can store two or more virtual tours?
    I tried to store two folders, each with one virtual tour, but did not work.

    only it worked when I copied virtual tour files, into .pano-runner folder.
    When I stored on the sd card and I chose sd card in the app, I had only a white screen.

    It behaves very well and is very smooth movement


    When I stored on the sd card and I chose sd card in the app, I had only a white scree

    have you try to create a folder .pano-runner in your sdcard and upload your tour on it ?

    Marco *cool*

    ok great job James, I test it and so amazing with tour .

    So I have a question, how do you manage the 360 video,
    I have replace tour.js and tour.xml by krpano_vr.xml ans krpano.js, I have change the index.html and it doesn't work for me, how can I do ?

    It is a great apps

    Best regards

    Hi Marco.
    I've just written an Android app for storing and running one or more Virtual Tours locally. It supports the latest beta of Krpano with VR. Tomorrow I'll start a new thread and post a link to the download. If people find it useful I'll submit it to Google Play.


    Hello turbitt
    I contact you on mp


    Hi Marco.
    Mozilla will run Krpano locally. I'm doing this for some KIOSK systems with out any issues.


    have your try with krpano 1.19, because I need vr view .

    Because with krpano 1.19 and mozilla I have this problem :

    examples/webvr/krpano_vr.xml - loading failed!
    (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI:Access to restricted URI denied)

    Someby can help me to solve this problem ?

    thx James for your reply


    Congrats for this marvellous plugin Klaus,

    I have upload krpano 1.19 on a sdcard to be play on my smartphone Android ( chromium beta and nightly ) , and it doesn't work locally and I understand why, so is there a way to make it work without the server ?

    Best regards