Beiträge von martijndeb


    I would like to define my cubemap as 6 images. For now it uses templating, but can I specify 6 images in the xml?
    As a second question, I would like to replace a texture on the fly using scripting. E.g. a user selects a new option from my application, I would like to replace the "floor" with another texture.

    How would one proceed with that?


    Fully new to krpano. Thusfar I created a player bar and JS api on top of krpano to control it in my site. I'm using the video plugin for spherical video in the 1.19p2 version.
    Now when entering vr, my player bar gets hidden. How to solve this, and will it be included in the VR rendering for both eyes? If not how would I go about accomplishing that?