I have a question on how to change or overcome different types of dicing up and organizing a multires panorama.
The reason is that panoramas that are already diced up either through custom scripts in Photoshop, or using the Silverlight DZ photoshop plugin - http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmo…oshopplugin.htm - might use a different format, naming convention and folder organization than what you get with the kmaketiles.
Below is the edited example XML for a standard krpano multires pano. It stores each LOD tiles in a separate folder.
<krpano version="1.0.8">
<preview url="hafenpreview.jpg" details="12"/>
<image type="SPHERE" multires="yes" multiresthreshold="0" tilesize="1024" baseindex="1">
<level tiledimagewidth="2048" tiledimageheight="1024">
<sphere url="1k/hafen1k_%0V%0U.jpg"/>
<level tiledimagewidth="4096" tiledimageheight="2048">
<sphere url="2k/hafen2k_%0V%0U.jpg"/>
<level tiledimagewidth="6144" tiledimageheight="3072">
<sphere url="3k/hafen3k_%0V%0U.jpg"/>
Now the kmaketiles dice the tiles in rows first and then colums, while other programs may do the opposite. This is not a problem though since you can use %u and %v in the file name and swap them around as you please.
My problem though is that krpano expects the columns to be numbered from 1 rather than from 0 which is what I would get from some other program. In addition it seems that it is NOT possible to keep the tiles in sub folder under each separate LOD level folder using the % variable.
Perhaps there is an easy XML fix to read in the tiles in a different way, but my XML skills are unfortunately not up to it. Below is an example of the folder structure for one of the multires panoramas I am trying to get into krpano without having to rename the files or move them about on the server. Note that the LOD name is at the end of the file name.

Any help and advice much appreciated.