Beiträge von idealboy89

    I am trying to zoom in to a location using lookto(toH,toV,fov*,motiontype*,shortestway*,nonblocking*,donecall*)
    By default, this always zooms in to bring the point of interest to the center of the screen.
    I would like to bring the hotspot to 1/4th from the top of the screen rather than the center.
    Has anyone done this before?

    if I try to use screentosphere() to get the spherical co-ordinate of the point, it gives me a point at the FOV before the zoom in happens.
    It would be great to have screentosphere() to convert co-ordinates at a particular FOV than the current one.

    Same issue where chromium is complaining about too many webgl contexts

    I am facing the same issue when switching two different panoramas in spite of clearing the previous one before loading the next one.
    I'm using chromium for my app. Every time I change the panorama, I'm removing the previous panorama with removepano('krpanoSWFObject'). I have doubled checked and found that even though remove pano removes the panorama from DOM, it probably isn't clearing event handlers and webgl context

    Typical observations I made about this issue include:
    1. The memory consumption increases gradually every time the panorama is changed
    2. After 8-10 times of changing the panorama, chrome starts showing the warning "Too many active WebGL contexts. Oldest context will be lost"
    3. I've tested with Firefox, Chrome and Chromium to find same results
    4. I tried removing the canvas element from DOM using jquery. But, I still didn't notice any difference in the behavior.

    I am facing the same issue when switching two different panoramas in spite of clearing the previous one before loading the next one.
    I'm using chromium for my app. Every time I change the panorama, I'm removing the previous panorama with removepano('krpanoSWFObject'). I have doubled checked and found that even though remove pano removes the panorama from DOM, it probably isn't clearing event handlers and webgl context

    Typical observations I made about this issue include:
    1. The memory consumption increases gradually every time the panorama is changed
    2. After 8-10 times of changing the panorama, chrome starts showing the warning "Too many active WebGL contexts. Oldest context will be lost"
    3. I've tested with Firefox, Chrome and Chromium to find same results
    4. I tried removing the canvas element from DOM using jquery. But, I still didn't notice any difference in the behavior.