Beiträge von TravisH

    Just a quick question, I am using the automatic code to send the pano scene name to Google Analytics when a pano is visited.
    I prefer the automatic approach rather than having to define each pano, but want to now track events for the pano being shared.

    Is anyone tracking the social sharing clicks (e.g. facebook, google, email and so on) and if so could they share the code?

    Good morning,

    I have tried the plugin on one of my Panotour Pro generated tours, and am having a bit of trouble getting it to work. I have turned on debug and it appears that the plugin is loading, but I don't see any Google Analytics data being shown on my analytics page, in either the Realtime or the historical data section.

    The tour is at and this has the one XML file with all of the pano's defined within it, where the pano names are Chrome_Bumpers_1 through to Chrome_Bumpers_4, am I missing something with my Analytics.xml file, which has been set through the include and everything else. I have the full version of the software as well, not the demo so not sure what is going wrong?

    I have also tried the demo path for URL, as well as this one and it makes no difference, the files are in that directory though.

    Many thanks,

    <krpano>	<!-- Plugins -->	<plugin name="ga"			url="plugins/analytics.swf"			alturl="plugins/analytics.js"			keep="true"			preload="true"			debug="true"			account="UA-12953XXX-6"			prefix="/CB040515"			>		<pano name="Chrome_Bumpers_1"				scene="p1"			   pageurl="/CB1/"			  />		<pano name="Chrome_Bumpers_2"				scene="p2"			   pageurl="/CB2/"			  />		<pano name="Chrome_Bumpers_3"				scene="p3"			   pageurl="/CB3/"			  />		<pano name="Chrome_Bumpers_4"				scene="p4"			   pageurl="/CB4/"			  />			  	</plugin>		<!-- Actions -->	<action name="activatepano">		if (%1 != null,			if (get(action[mainloadpano].content) !== null,				if (%2 == xml, mainloadpano(%HTMLPATH%/%1), mainloadpano(%1)),					if (%2 == xml, loadpano(%HTMLPATH%/%1,null,MERGE,BLEND(1)), loadscene(%1,null,MERGE,BLEND(1)));					wait(blend);			)		);	</action>
    	<action name="add_scenes_to_analytics">		for (set(i,0), i LT scene.count, inc(i), 		  if (get(scene[get(i)].url), copy(data[a.url].content, scene[get(i)].url), copy(data[a.url].content, scene[get(i)].name));		  plugin[ga].addPano(get(scene[get(i)].name), get(scene[get(i)].name), true, get(data[a.url].content));		);	</action></krpano>