Hello, Mudin!
And thank you for your interest in my plugin. It does have more up to date information on its github page.
Hello, Mudin!
And thank you for your interest in my plugin. It does have more up to date information on its github page.
Now I have favorited this thread and hope that I will receive email notifications about new messages.
Hello, eliecer!
I'm sorry I keep forgeting to come back here. I'm glad that you used github to resolve this issue. Thank you for your interest!
Ok! Thank you! I will try to implement it soon.
so that is to say, the arrow's right place is in the middle of the screen, there is no Attributes for it's position.
Yes, at the moment I have no clear idea on how to apply horizontal placement from the mathematical point of view. Everything I tried looked not good.
Hello, relationcg
1. This plugin is tested only against the latest stable release. Which at the tшme was and still is 1.18.5. Not sure what is the problem with 1.16, since all features I use were already implemented.
2. You can move arrows up or down but you cannot move them left or right. Arrows are supposed to be "in place" and if you move them sideways they will be either asymmetrically distorted or "out of place" (like on a separate screen). So I decided do only one thing without excessive options
Thank you!
I guess in the future I should check arrow style visible attribute before I draw a shadow.
At the moment shadow is not optional. But it is also a polygonal hotspot. To manage arrow visibility entirely you would have to manage visibility of its shadow. Either make style['default-shadow'] invisible or specify your own shadow style with connection.shadowstyle and make your style invisible.
This is discussion thread for arrows plugin. This plugin is open source and also available on github. You can use github's issue tracker to report any issues.
This is streetview-inspired plugin that projects on the fly any flat shape (originally arrows). This shape points in one direction from a virtual point in front of the viewer. The shape is created as a polygonal hotspot with all its styling abilities.
I'm getting this error sometimes on refresh when using html5 krpano viewer version 1.18.
Managed to figure out that at this moment while view object exists its vlookat and hlookat properties are NaN. No errors in krpano console. This is chrome browser dev console output.
Error: Invalid value for <polygon> attribute points="NaN,NaN NaN,NaN NaN,NaN NaN,NaN NaN,NaN NaN,NaN NaN,NaN" VM308:1
$g @ VM308:1
Yb @ VM308:1
me @ VM308:1
wg @ VM308:1
ef @ VM308:1
(anonymous function) @ VM308:1
Qf @ VM308:1
(anonymous function) @ VM308:1
ea.loadfile2.l @ VM308:1
ea.loadfile2.n.onreadystatechange @ VM308:1
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How do I debug this? Is there any way to find out where it all goes wrong? Sometimes it leads to panorama not being rendered and only black screen showing. Sometimes panorama does render. But majority of refreshes goes without problem.
Any ideas?
Thank you, Klaus!
How do you create non-licensed krpano-branded swf and js + embed code version to show your plugin with? The one that doesn't tell it's registered to you in the console on error that is. Also the version in user plugin template is older than what I would like.
Thank you again!
I figured it out. I had an action that was adding hotspots if they were missing. And somehow I was getting different results on if(hotspot[name] === null, ...) depending on if action was called from another action or from javascript. So zorder was not applied correctly.
Thank you very much!
I there any place where these methods and functions are documented?Also I find that this approach messes up hotspots zorder. In flash version setting style zorder attribute seems to help, but in html5 version the order seems to be different if you add hotspots without style, load hotspots from action tag of from javascript using krpano.call method. And no way to reorder hotspots afterwards.
Adding hotspots without style always sets visible zorder in the order of adding: last on top. But when using loadstyle this order is broken. And it is broken differently depending on which version (swf, html5) you use and is it js or action interface. How can i fix it? Is it because javascript krpano.call is asynchronous and action is synchronous?
set(hotspot[test].style, stylename);
seems to have no effect on said hotspot style. Style seems to work only when assigned statically in xml. Is there a way to apply a style by name on a newly created hotspot via action?
The same is with xml template path.
Using commandline tool:
Inside for html setting I have
I get following error:
So I have to create folder "mymultires.confightml" instead of html. Both for krpano 1.18 and 1.19-pre3. Must be some error in path construction?
Krpanotools sphere2cube seems always to place sphere image in the middle vertically? Documentation doesn't specify any possibility to transform sphere projection when it's full circle but not full height. I would like to specify voffset for transform tool? Is there any posibility to do so except attaching black stripe where I want it to have 2x1 image before using sphere2cube tool? undocumented feature perhaps?
I'm trying to show equirectangular panorama in html5. If entire image is used:
<image type="SPHERE" hfov="360.00" vfov="120.489130" voffset="-29.755435" multires="true" tilesize="256" baseindex="0"> <sphere url="pano.jpg" /> </image>
Everything seems ok. But when using levels only black screen is shown.
<image type="SPHERE" hfov="360.00" vfov="120.489130" voffset="-29.755435" multires="true" tilesize="256" baseindex="0"> <level tiledimagewidth="17664" tiledimageheight="5912">
<sphere url="0/%h-%v.jpg" /> </level> <level tiledimagewidth="8704" tiledimageheight="2913"> <sphere url="1/%h-%v.jpg" /> </level> <level tiledimagewidth="4352" tiledimageheight="1457"> <sphere url="2/%h-%v.jpg" /> </level> <level tiledimagewidth="2048" tiledimageheight="685"> <sphere url="3/%h-%v.jpg" /> </level> <level aspreview="true" tiledimagewidth="512" tiledimageheight="171"> <sphere url="4/%h-%v.jpg" /> </level> </image>
Black sphere seems to rotate with mouse and rotate hotspots with it. But constraints from image tag are not used.
krpano version 1.18.5
all browswers on mac os x
Cubic projection seems to be working with tiles in html5. But I guess it's because it's css3.
Is this behaviour intended? Is this expected to be fixed any time soon?
Also having problems inserting code with line breaks.