I use the open_url('/mysite.com/index.html') function, but on my mobile device the window opens not in the center of the screen, but in the lower right part. How to solve this problem?
Posts by Alexbar78
try this code:
its work in my projects -
tell me how to make a url link (<a href> tag) in open_infobox_popup ?
good afternoon! to play music, I use soundinteface.xml . I would really like to add a progress bar for the viewer that displays how long the music is playing and how much is left (as in all audio players). how to do it? thank you
good afternoon!
to play music, I use soundinteface.xml . I would really like to add a progress bar for the viewer that displays how long the music is playing and how much is left (as in all audio players). how to do it? thank you
i have a similar problem ... linkedscene_lookat doesn't work
please tell me:
plugin [easy_html_lightbox] .open_zoomable_image ('Test Title 1; Test Title 2; Test Title 3; Test Title 4', 'demo_files / demo-3.jpg; demo_files / demo-4.jpg; demo_files / demo- 2.jpg; demo_files / demo-1.jpg ');
How can I call the desired image in the gallery at once, for example, number 2 (demo2-.jpg)? now the gallery opens the last image in the list (demo-1.jpg) (( -
yes, this is intended.
This helps a lot with dynamic layouts.
Sure - add this code to extend krpano with a 'onresizeonly' event:Code<events name="onresize_changes_only" keep="true" onresize=" if(last_stagewidth != stagewidth OR last_stageheight != stageheight, events.dispatch('onresizeonly'); ); copy(last_stagewidth, stagewidth); copy(last_stageheight, stageheight); " />
Usage example:
Best regards,
yes, this is intended.
This helps a lot with dynamic layouts.
Sure - add this code to extend krpano with a 'onresizeonly' event:Code<events name="onresize_changes_only" keep="true" onresize=" if(last_stagewidth != stagewidth OR last_stageheight != stageheight, events.dispatch('onresizeonly'); ); copy(last_stagewidth, stagewidth); copy(last_stageheight, stageheight); " />
Usage example:
Best regards,
Klaus -
Can you please tell me if it is possible to change the size of the panorama depending on whether it is a mobile device (slow Internet) or a configured computer.
thanks! -
is it possible (and how?) to preload panorama BEFORE moving to destination or whole tour to browser cache before start walking?
it often happens (when the internet isn't fast) that the transition is complete, and blending starts after this – it looks ugly :(
for example https://yadi.sk/d/qc3MHR6JFYBLhg
Увы и ах... пока данную проблему победить не удается(
so far this problem has not been overcome -
Good afternoon, colleagues!
I use automatic playback of several panoramas in a virtual tour, in this style:delayedcall (del10, 3.0, load_scene (001); lookat (-75, 15, 80);
delayedcall (del11, 0.9, zoomto (40, linear (50));
delayedcall (del12, 0.5, load_scene (003); lookat (200, 25, 80);
delayedcall (del13, 0.8, lookto (200, -15.80, linear (15), true, true);
delayedcall (del14, 1.7, zoomto (40, linear (30));
delayedcall (del15, 0.1, load_scene (013); lookat (46, 10, 80);
delayedcall (del16, 0.5, lookto (92,10,80, linear (15), true, true);
delayedcall (del17, 3.1, zoomto (40, linear (30));
But when loading panoramas from a mobile device, the images do not have time to load and the image is blurry.Setting <memory maxmem = "700" devices = "mobile" />
did not help.Is it possible somehow for mobile devices to make panoramas of lower resolution and if the tour is opened on a mobile phone then download them instead of high-resolution panoramas (8000x4000px)?
thanks.... -
if(cur_hlookat LT -180, ADD(cur_hlookat,360));and you have the corrrect value of the hlookat in the cur_hlookat (between -180 and 180)
its work! -
krpano - super simple html5 text input plugin
*/var krpanoplugin = function()
var local = this;var krpano = null;
var plugin = null;var inputelement = null;
local.registerplugin = function(krpanointerface, pluginpath, pluginobject)
krpano = krpanointerface;
plugin = pluginobject;inputelement = document.createElement("input");
inputelement.type = "text";
inputelement.style.width = "100%";
inputelement.style.height = "100%";
inputelement.style.color = "#535349";
inputelement.style.fontFamily = "Verdana";
inputelement.style.fontSize = "12px";plugin.registerattribute("text", "", text_set, text_get);
plugin.registerattribute("onchanged", null);inputelement.addEventListener("change", text_changed, true);
inputelement.addEventListener('touchstart',text_click, false);plugin.sprite.appendChild(inputelement);
}local.unloadplugin = function()
plugin = null;
krpano = null;
}function text_set(newtext)
inputelement.value = newtext;
}function text_get()
return inputelement.value;
}function text_changed()
krpano.call(plugin.onchanged, plugin);
}function text_click()
};this is code is not working((( focus is not set
Good day!
I need to upload data from a virtual tour into AcrobatReader format (pdf file).
Alternatively, you can upload to jpegI did not find any suitable plugins.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?Thank!!
many thanks! You helped me a lot!
now it works !!
copy(tmp, get(currq_array[get(i)].value));
txtadd(newtext, get(tmp)); -
...and new problem((
I have array:
currq_array[1].value='test value1'
currq_array[2].value='test value2'
this expression:
1) trace('test value=',get(currq_array[get(i)].value)); - returns a correct "test value1", "test value2"...
2) txtadd(newtext, get(currq_array[get(i)].value));
set(layer['question_text'].html, get(newtext));
returns to layer "data.content"the mind does not understand why so ???
help who knows please!
solved! )
txtadd(question_ans, 'data[question', %1,'_ans',get(i),'].content'); -
this construction in not work ((( :
for examle %1=1 (and <data name="question1" answered="0">'test question'</data>)txtadd(question_nm, 'data:question', %1);
txtadd(question_nm, get(question_nm), 'aaaa', 'bbb');set(layer['question_text'].html, get(question_nm)); - is not work((
i have data:question1aaaabbb instead "test questionaaaabbbbb"
what am I doing wrong? thank!