Beiträge von Gerlofv

    Let's make it easier!

    Is it posible to open a webpage in a textfield? If i know who that works i hopefully make it posible to open a video in a textfield.

    I tried to open it with a iframe, but with no result on that.

    this is the code:

    if(plugin[autopath].enabled == true,

    it doesn't do, what he has to do,

    is there some mistake in the code ?

    I like to make it a little more difficult. Not only do i want to autorotate, but after a full round he needs to go to the next pano. and then again, again and again .... only when interupted he needs to stop everything or he needs to wait around 30 seconds and then continu.

    is it posible of more like mision imposible ?

    the visible function works prefectly, only the freezeview function is not working. Seems like he doesn't see that orther function.

    code i use:

    why is this wrong?

    say if your in flash and you like to set something with flash in krpano then you use the next code:

    krpano.set("plugin[gallery].visible", false);

    my qeustion how to get 2 things in one ? i need to set it visible and i have to use freezeview.

    in my application flash needs to send two thinks with the set function to krpano. the two are, visible and freezeview.

    when i'm writing it down as this:

    krpano.set("plugin[gallery].visible", false)("plugin[gallery].freezeview", true);

    Doesn't work

    also this:

    krpano.set("plugin[gallery].visible", false);
    krpano.set("plugin[gallery].freezeview", true);

    Question how to make it work. do i need to set a action with the two functions?

    so yes, how to ask it then in flash

    krpano.set("action[name action].enable ?????", false);

    thnx for your reply. i'm still trying to get it in the menu with flash. It's finally working by using the hide en show function of the simpleviewer!!! But the next step is to get it in the global and as a menu topic to use where ever you go it the application.

    good luck with the dead-line! if it works you will hear it from me. I'm still getting nowhere with that error

    UPDATE!!! ( 15:42 )

    It working! I think it was something about the path and the refreshing of flash that seems to be the problem.


    the code i have in xml

    <plugin name="photo" url="plugins/photo.swf?xmlDataPath=../plugins/gallery.xml" keep="true" handcursor="false" zorder="97" visible="false" align="center"/>

    and the code i have in as:

    the error given: gallery not found

    and still he doesn't open it! looks like he finds the two files but there is something missing!

    but what ????