Beiträge von chadibanez

    Still having problems...

    The code:

    krpano.set("event.someflashfunction", aFlashFunction());

    keeps telling me that I have an incorrect number of arguments for aFlashFunction(). I am not sure what to put as the argument since it is defined in the XML file.

    Edit: When compiling in Flash, the output displays "set(event.openNode,null);" when I place an argument in aFlashFunction(dummy).

    Also, is there a way to enable a debugger for the krpano.swf, I can't view any "trace" statements given off by flash.

    I am trying to create a plugin so that whenever a hotspot is clicked, it triggers a function in the plugin which loads a specific external swf onto the screen (interactive close up).

    For example:

    <hotspot name="Plaque"

    function openSWF(parameter:String)
              //Load and display external swf with name "parameter"

    Q: Can I pass any parameters into .openSwf(), or do I have to create a unique function for each hotspot? For example, can I use .openSwf("parameter") and then have the flash function load an external swf with name "parameter"? Is there another, easier way to do this?

    Thanks for the help!