Beiträge von niedved


    my tour works fine on Web Browsers, and Mobiles in VR MODE (splited screen).
    When I enter scenes lookat && hlookat works fine.

    BUT If I launch it on Mobile but not i VRMode (only Gyro) initial view is always at 0.
    Problem is important becouse tour have to work fine on iPAD.

    Sample scene code:
    <scene name="scene_pano_floor1_1" title="1st Floor - Living 1" onstart="lookat(150,0);" lat="" lng="" heading="">
    <view hlookat="150" vlookat="0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120.000" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />
    <preview url="panos/floor1/living/preview.jpg" />
    <cube url="panos/floor1/living/pano_%s.jpg" />
    <mobile> <cube url="panos/floor1/living/mobile/pano_%s.jpg" /> </mobile>
    <hotspot name="spot_menu" style="skin_menu" ath="150" atv="89" linkedscene="scene_pano0" />
    <hotspot name="next" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-27" rotate="0" atv="15" linkedscene="scene_pano_floor1_2" />

    Any advice ?