How can I count how many I have AddItem within this action?
if(i LT ????.additem.count,
additem('get(texto_menu_001)', action(moveto1); );
additem('get(texto_menu_002)', action(moveto2); );
thank you
How can I count how many I have AddItem within this action?
if(i LT ????.additem.count,
additem('get(texto_menu_001)', action(moveto1); );
additem('get(texto_menu_002)', action(moveto2); );
thank you
Yes. I can only use JS to iphone.
However as I have put all the JS files and protect them with
Domain Limited and Disable Local / Offine Usage?
I would like to create an encrypted file with all license html5 + xml (tour.js)?
Is to protect the xml with the Domain Limited and Disable Local / Offine Usage?
What I want is everything in one file type swf but with a JS to work in HTML5.
thank you
Thanks for the help.
I was using swfobject.js old.
Hello everybody I'm having trouble playing the soundinterface on safari.
I've tried several codes and all works in SWF and JS nothing.
Does not work soundinterface safari? Or soundinterface.js conrropido this?
Anyone have the correct code and a JS that works on safari to post?
The browser: Safari 5.1.4
My code
<plugin name="soundinterface" url="soundinterface.js" preload="true" rootpath="" keep="true" volume="1.0" mute="false" onloaded="playsound(s1,som01.mp3);" />
<plugin name="autorotation" url="seta.png" onclick="playsound(s1,som01.mp3);"/>
thank you
Hello, anyone know a way to increase the text of the combobox in flahs?
Hello does anyone know any way to protect the file Krpan in HTML5?
It worked thanks
Thanks for the help
I am still having a doubt.
All menu items leads to the same pano
I do not know what I put into <krpano version="1.0.8" onstart="">
I discovered the problem in this xml file with another
<krpano version="1.0.8" onstart="action(moveto1); closebox(); incio(); " >
This is exactly what I wanted, but he is with any errors.
WARNING: not local trusted - ExternalInterface disabled!
ERROR: action not found: moveto1
Another observation, what is LT?
Hello, I declare the variable as varnadirlogo and carry it in the url?
Staff which the resolution of your images?
My 6000x3000px has on average 1.5 MB
Hello everybody I am novice with Krpan would like help from you.
Sometimes I have a huge menu with more than 15 or 30 options.
For the construction of it I use the following code:
<action name="fillcombobox">plugin[combobox].removeall();additem('Varanda Foto 1', action(moveto1); );additem('Piscina Foto 02', action(moveto............
<action name="moveto1"> action(startloading); loadpano(1.xml,null,KEEPALL,BLEND(2)); lookat(-18,0,90); wait(blend); oninterrupt(action(lookinterrupt)); action(loadingdone); set(plugin[titre].html,); set(plugin[text].html,); set(plugin[foto_box].url,%SWFPATH%/img/img1.png); txtadd(plugin[titre].html, 'data:tt1'); txtadd(plugin[text].html, 'data:ttx1');
<action name="moveto................
As can be seen he repeats the same value moveto # 6 times. I wantedto reduce this action with a command like this one. Or any othereffectively.
menu1=Varanda Foto 1
i=0do while i < 39 i=i+1 additem('menu1', action(moveto+i); ); <action name="moveto+i"> action(startloading); loadpano(i.xml,null,KEEPALL,BLEND(2)); lookat(-18,0,90); wait(blend); oninterrupt(action(lookinterrupt)); action(loadingdone); set(plugin[titre].html,); set(plugin[text].html,); set(plugin[foto_box].url,%SWFPATH%/img/img+i+.png); txtadd(plugin[titre].html, 'data:tt+i'); txtadd(plugin[text].html, 'data:ttx+i'); </action>
end while