Posts by PANFOTO
I have been trying for a long time to fix the problem with zooming along with dragging on mobile.
I have this code that zoom and drag work well on my PC, but only drag works on my mobile and when I try to zoom it always reacts to the panorama.
<preview type="grid(cube,64,64,512,0xCCCCCC,0xF6F6F6,0x999999);"/><!-- hidden image layer -->
<layer name="image" url="" scale="0.2" align="center" edge="center" visible="false"
onover="set(iszoom, true); set(startzoom, true); copy(copy_mousefovchange, control.mousefovchange); copy(copy_touchzoom, control.touchzoom); set(control.mousefovchange, 0); set(control.touchzoom, false);"
onout="set(iszoom, false); copy(control.mousefovchange, copy_mousefovchange); copy(control.touchzoom, copy_touchzoom);"
ondown.touch="onover();" onup.touch="onout();"
ondown="start_dragging();" onup="stop_dragging();"><!-- Close button inside the image layer -->
<layer name="close_button" type="container" url="images/x.png" align="righttop" edge="righttop" x="10" y="10" scale="5" alpha="1" visible="true"
onover="set(layer[close_button].url, 'images/xr.png');"
onout="set(layer[close_button].url, 'images/x.png');"
onclick="set(layer[image].visible, false);"
</layer><!-- mouse wheel event for zooming -->
<events name="image_zoom_events" onmousewheel="image_onmousewheel();" ontouchmove="image_ontouchmove();"/><!-- action for zooming either via the mouse wheel or via touch gestures -->
<action name="image_onmousewheel">
if(layer[image].visible, if(iszoom,
if(wheeldelta_touchscale GT 0,
<!-- touch zoom -->
if(startzoom, set(startzoom, false); copy(start_wheeldelta_touchscale, wheeldelta_touchscale); copy(start_imagescale, layer[image].scale); );
div(tmp, wheeldelta_touchscale, start_wheeldelta_touchscale);
mul(layer[image].scale, start_imagescale, tmp);
<!-- mouse wheel zoom -->
mul(sit, get(wheeldelta), 0.05);
mul(sit, layer[image].scale);
add(layer[image].scale, sit);
</action><!-- action for touch gestures zooming -->
<action name="image_ontouchmove">
if(layer[image].visible, if(iszoom,
if(touchscale GT 0,
if(startzoom, set(startzoom, false); copy(start_touchscale, touchscale); copy(start_imagescale, layer[image].scale); );
div(tmp, touchscale, start_touchscale);
mul(layer[image].scale, start_imagescale, tmp);
</action><!-- the action for dragging the image -->
<action name="start_dragging">
set(pressed, true);
layer[image].x += mouse.dx;
layer[image].y += mouse.dy;
</action><action name="stop_dragging">
set(pressed, false);
</action><!-- hotspot that shows the first image on click -->
<hotspot name="DJI_0480" url="thumb/DJI_0480.jpg" ath="0" atv="0" align="righttop" edge="righttop" onclick="set(layer[image].url, 'camera/DJI_0480.jpg'); set(layer[image].visible, true);"/>
<!-- hotspot that shows the second image on click -->
<hotspot name="DJI_0481" url="thumb/DJI_0614.jpg" ath="0" atv="180" align="leftbottom" edge="leftbottom" onclick="set(layer[image].url, 'camera/DJI_0614.jpg'); set(layer[image].visible, true);"/>
</krpano>thanks in advance for the advice
I find out where the problem is because it shows me correctly
Try this project I'm still working on
Hi. When I go to check your example, I receive a message from Telstra (Australia) that your website has been blocked. Is there any reason for that? I can access and no problem but is coming up as not secure. Perhaps other members here also have the issue.
Is there a problem with this link?
I finally managed to do it like this
loading.gif is a moving gif
<!-- loading percent events -->
<events name="loadingpercent" keep="true"
onloadcomplete="loadingpercent_stoploading();" /><!-- loading percent text -->
<layer name="loadingpercent_text" keep="true"
css="color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:22px; font-style:italic;" textshadow="2"
html="Loading: 0%"
/><action name="loadingpercent_startloading">
set(loadingpercent_isloading, true);
set(loadpercent, 0);
set(layer[loadingpercent_text].visible, true);
set(layer[loadingpercent_text].html, 'Loading: 0%');
delayedcall(0.1, loadingpercent_update());
</action><action name="loadingpercent_update">
calc(loadpercent, get(loadpercent) + 1);
if(loadpercent GT 100, set(loadpercent, 100););
set(layer[loadingpercent_text].html, '<img src="loading.gif" width="64" height="64" />');
delayedcall(0.1, loadingpercent_update());
</action><action name="loadingpercent_stoploading">
set(loadingpercent_isloading, false);
set(layer[loadingpercent_text].html, 'Loading: 100%');
delayedcall(0.5, set(layer[loadingpercent_text].visible, false));
</action> -
Hello, what do you think about this combination?
Gigapanorama (75Gpx)
Gaussian Splatting (Luma)
360 video (Insta360 X4 - youtube) -
Good day.
Could you advise me how to convert from realitycapture to krpano?#name,x,y,alt,heading,pitch,roll,f,px,py,k1,k2,k3,k4,t1,t2
DJI_0001.jpg,1,881824920516449,3,149953322243841,7,319097461216276,-123,9658045241132,59,71868496969-7295959595959. ,29913975592357,2,182131206227476e-003,-1,657715837006025e-004,1,86403370519107e-002,-0,3099239031 8,-0,3328101174140883,4 ,33437395571444e- 004,7,882433189754184 e-005I need to get
rx="" ry="" rz="" ox="" oy="" ty="" tz="" -
Hello, what do you think about such a project?
It is a virtual tour of the cemetery
Panoramas from a drone, orthophoto, 3d model are used
The loading progress when displaying the 3d model still does not work for me.
If someone could help me with this, I would be grateful.lastromantik helped me with the search, also use Click&Go
Here an example: Klasus
How could I apply it when loading a 3d scene with .obj?
Well thank you
It's great, it works well for me
Can you advise me?
I'm trying to insert Loading Progress according to the examplesIt works for me with a scene with panoramas, but it doesn't work for me with a scene with .obj. It keeps showing me 0% until the scene loads
I have inserted in tour.xml
<include url="plugins/loading-progress/loadinganimation.xml" />
<include url="plugins/loading-progress/loadingpercenttext.xml" />
<include url="plugins/loading-progress/loadingbar.xml" />here is the link
Cintorín Vrchteplá -
Could KRPANO be used when displaying a 3d model with the passthrough function on meta quest 3?
What exactly happens in your case?
The VR controllers should be there and working, but there is nothing to interact with in your example (e.g. hotspots) so far I see...for example, I would like to zoom via the joystick on the controller on my hand
The example with the object in VR was an experiment and has not yet been migrated into the orbitcontrol plugin.
will it be available?
I also wrote to you via Discord but no response for a long time
I am trying to view vtour in Meta Quest 3
When I start the browser via Quest 3, the controls work fine there (ray scrolling, zoom via joystick...)
When I start VR, the whole VR is displayed, but no controls work except turning the headCan it be set so that the controls also work in VR?
For now, you need to convert glb models from Sketchfab to obj as this is the only format supported by krpano. You can use this tutorial if you don't know how:…89973#post89973
I uploaded the VR viewer project so you can play with it on your local system and replace the model if you would like to…rol_vr_0.90.zipAnd I'm also curious about your models
I'm trying orbitcontrol as in this example
But I'm not doing well where am I doing wrong?
here's an example:…ch-zooming.htmlIt uses the onmousewheel event (which will be called also on touch devices on gesture zooms) and
touch devices the wheeldelta_touchscale variable for getting a scale value related to the zooming-gesture.Best regards,
KlausHow could I apply it when using an image through a popup?
where do I have to add what code?
My problem is already solved.
Thanks for the help lastromantik
I share the code with his consent.I used this example as the basis for the table…vefrictions.xmlThank you to everyone involved in this forum Tuur s-maier VRW_Phil