It worked! Thank you krpano Master Kristof!
Posts by milotimbol
I see thanks for sharing the documentation and trying it out in ptgui. In the matterport group I keep seeing them say that they can get a 16k equirectangular image but the biggest cube face I can get is a 4096 but then I saw that statement from matterport so I started to wonder maybe it had something to do with conversion. The tools they're using to convert the cube faces probably uses a different computation.
I've been going through FB conversations, forums about converting matterport cube faces to sphere. They say on this page…?language=en_US that "the 4096 x 4096 cube faces (can be converted to 16384 x 8192)"
However when I drag 6 cube faces with 4096 size to krpano tools the output I get is 12,868 x 6,434
Is matterport wrong in saying that statement? -
Check it out, and if you find a way to bind an SSL certificate, then this will solve a very long-standing problem about local browsing on mobile devices)
Ok thanks for the tip I will research when I have time. I did not know webvr would not work with my process.
I have a tutorial to make an apk from krpano but I have not tried webvr if it works.
You can create an installer using electron. I made a tutorial
Ok thank you. I appreciate it
klaus.krpano i see you replying to other threads. I am hoping i can get clarity on this. I will appreciate any reply.
My research on this topic is still incomplete. I will create a video once I have a complete process.
I have posted this question in other threads and so far have not received any answers so I am posting it separately to get noticed.
Based on the documentation adding background="pano" on the depthmap element will "Render the depthmap pano and behind it the normal undistorted pano image". However it doesn't seem to work. Please see sample tour where I implemented itkrpano - b07cb553977f44cf84133129573053a8
As you can see you can see the black holes in the model and I expect it to be filled with an image in the back the pano image but thats not whats happening.
See code chunk below used in the xml fileCode
Display More<depthmap url="af1b14a3589c4865a61016178943c6ed_50k.obj" rendermode="3dmodel" background="pano" align="0|0|0" axis="+x+y+z" enabled="true" hittest="true" offset="0" origin="0|0|0" scale="1" subdiv="0" textured="true" />
Am I doing anything wrong? or did I misunderstand its purpose?
I am able to use a background with dollhouse but by setting backgroundurl see this sample tour . Below is the code which made this work.Code
Display More<depthmap url="panos/model-expanded.obj" enabled="true" rendermode="3dmodel" textured="true" scale="100" offset="0" subdiv="" encoding="gray" cull="front" origin="-0.0, 0.0, -0.0" align="-0.0|-0.0|0.0" hittest="true" background="pano" backgroundurl="panos/background.jpg" />
However I don't want to go this route since the background="pano" seems to be the solution I am looking for.
klaus.krpano could you enlighten me on the use of background="pano" ?
I have the same problem. If you find the solution please post it here.
Hi Klaus,
background="pano" on the depthmap doesnt seem to work. Am I doing anything wrong here? Can you check?
I've had some time to tinker with this again. Here's a sample, I did not encrypt it so that anyone can get the code
This is the matterport version
This is the krpano version…/test/tour.html
The issue I am facing now is if the matterport model has holes the 360 image has holes. klaus.krpano do you have any suggestion for this? Pano image in the background? Can this be aligned with the 360 image with the depthmap? -
Hi All, I've been doing this for a while now - creating apk of krpano 360 virtual tours. One of the file formats I give clients is an apk file. The problem with it is setting up is a pain and whenever I re-install windows I always forget how to set it up. I did follow some youtube videos to get started but the videos I found usually are shortcuts and most of the other software have been installed and they dont show how they did it. In this tutorial I created I installed it on a fresh windows virtual machine, to simulate a new windows os installation. I hope you find this helpful, I know I will in the future.
Hello panoyun. We are discussing the same thing on this thread…&threadID=19425
We've figured out how to map the matterport coordinates to krpano. I will create a video tutorial soon.
I will post it on my youtube soon -
I checked the xml code for single obj vs multiple stl. Where do I get the origin values from if I were to do use the dollhouse as model? See sreenshot.
I see a align / prealign in the PCA tool but it doesnt seem to match when I use those values.
Thanks I can see it now, I didnt know I was looking at old documentation.
Display More<depthmap url="..." texurl="" enabled="true" hittest="false" hittestmode="cpu" rendermode="auto" textured="auto" background="none" backgroundurl="" mapmode="1" offset="0.0" curve="1.0" scale="1.0" farscale="1.0" encoding="gray" axis="+x+y+z" cull="front" origin="0|0|0" align="0|0|0" subdiv="" />
you sent me this link doesnt seem to go to a section in the documentation. Can you point me to where the align for the depthmap is in the documentation?