This is great information, Tuur! Thanks a lot!
Posts by MikaG
It does! Thanks, Umalo!
Hello everybody,
I have a problem forming some xlm code within an action of this plugin. I changed the width of the entire side menu, but the animated sidemenu items did not follow the altered width by themselves. I got the problem solved by some static code and it works just fine. But I am eager to get it done with non static entries way down in the lines of code, and just the need to alter one variable in the top section of the sidemenu.xml.
My goal is to make the sliding menu entries just 20 pixels more narrow, than the entire menu width, since this is the needed space for the "onover" sliding effect.
Here is my static and primitive example:
<menu_settings background_width ="250"
<action name="switch_menu">
</action>This way the sidemenu entries are 20 pixels more narrow. But I just want to change the background_width in the top entry and the action should subtract 20 pixels accordingly by itself. I tried various things, but never got it right. Any coding/syntax tips would be highly appreciated.
Here is my faulty code:
<action name="switch_menu">
</action>In plain math it should read: menu_0.width,230 = 250-20
Since the TourCreator is Windows only, has anyone tested to use it in a virtual machine like Wine etc. so far?
)) it's just a joke
Yes, of course. But I thought about using different post processing techniques than the usual stuff. I wanted to use a color key scene like in Sin City, everything in black & white except for red or something. And you just did it! Setting up a moody scene for 360x180 is a huge heap of work though... Unfortunately my time is rather limited and actually spent diggin' deeper into the mysteries of xml coding for krpano
I had the same problem once and figured out two things that may cause the problem.
1. The suffix of my equirectangular pictures (might) matter. I use to save those as TIFF before passing them to krpano. PTGui adds the suffix .tif (written with only one F) by default and this way some images where not processed. I changed the suffix to .tiff (double F).
2. Pictures exported from Affinity Photo interpolated with Lanczos were skipped in the krpano tour. Out of Photoshop with standard settings everything went smooth.
I'm not sure, which method solved the problem, because I edited a lot of panoramas this time. But I never ran into problems afterwards again. And by the way, I don't use "El Capitan". Still on Yosemite.
Maybe it's sort of Voodoo, but I have no processing drop outs anymore.
It's magic! Tausend Dank, Klaus! Es funktioniert jetzt. Ich habe schon langsam an mir selbst gezweifelt, ob ich zu blöd bin, deinen Beispielen zu folgen...
Ich habe mal ein Beispiel erstellt, bei dem der onhover hotspot innerhalb einer Würfelseite liegt und bei dem man width, height, ox & oy berechnen muss. Dabei klappt alles wunderbar mit HTML5. Keine Ahnung, warum es bei den großen extrahierten Hotspots mit der calc_pos-Berechnung nicht funktioniert...
Klaus, ich hänge bei dem gleichen Problem fest... Mit Flash werden die Hotspots korrekt in das Panorama eingebettet, aber mit HTML5 werden die Bilder verzerrt dargestellt. In deinen zahlreichen Beispielen werden jedoch immer die extrahierten Hotspots (die HTML5 verwenden) auf nur einer Würfelseite angewandt und nach der Methode
http://Interactive area in the pano
berechnet. Ich habe in meinem Beispiel aber eine größere Fläche, die über die Würfelseiten hinausgehen und muss nach der Methode mit dem extrahierten Bild via PTGui und deinem Scrip für die Positionierung vorgehen!? Die Hotspotbilder sind für HTML5 Desktop genau 2000px und für Mobile 1200px maximal an der langen Seite.Hier ist mal mein Test mit
und mit
Auszug aus der tour.xml:
"<!-- action for placement of distorted hotspots -->
<action name="calc_pos_from_hfov_yaw_pitch_roll">
</action><scene name="scene_badzu" title="badzu" onstart="" havevrimage="true" thumburl="panos/badzu.tiles/thumb.jpg" lat="" lng="" heading="">
<view hlookat="0" vlookat="0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="120" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="70" fovmax="140" limitview="auto" />
<preview url="panos/badzu.tiles/preview.jpg" />
<!-- place your scene hotspots here -->
<hotspot name="tuer_auf"
onloaded="calc_pos_from_hfov_yaw_pitch_roll(144, 10, 21, 8.5);"
<hotspot name="door_open_area" capture="false" zorder="2" alpha="0" onover="tween(hotspot[tuer_auf].alpha,1.0);" onout="tween(hotspot[tuer_auf].alpha,0.0);" ondown.touch="onover();" onup.touch="onout();" onclick="action(changepano,bad);" onhover="showtext('wechseln zu Bad mit offener Tuer',hotspottextstyle);">
<point ath="-16.88439" atv="-13.79747" />
<point ath="18.132263" atv="-13.304367" />
<point ath="18.094122" atv="55.74298" />
<point ath="-16.65124" atv="56.859509" />
</hotspot><!-- lower resolution images for HTML5 and mobile devices -->
<hotspot name="door" url="bad_offen_html5desktop.jpg" devices="html5+desktop" />
<hotspot name="door" url="bad_offen_html5mobile.jpg" devices="mobile|tablet" />
</scene>" -
I'm not very impressed either. Lots of stitching errors in the panoramas (incorrect nodal point), the floor plan is rather "lo-fi" by itself, but I like the radar/view adjustment by just hovering over the floor plan and the ruler tool.
The apartment interior seems to be made with Pano2VR. So, no XML code...
Man, your ideas blow me away...! It's definitely worth checking back for your upcoming work. Keep 'em coming!
How the hell did you do that??? A green screen movie, which supports transparency for the background?
Very nice work!
I made a recent tour work on desktop systems and iOS devices. That means, the tour itself works out fine, but I had to configure the dimensions of a embedded logo for each particular device, to not fill up the entire screen. I chose
to shrink the logo on iPads and iPhones and it works out fine. Now I was able to take a look on my tour on a Windows Mobile Phone and the logo is displayed too large. Seems like the attribute doesn't address IE on Windows Phones. I haven't found a solution in the documentation files. Could anybody help, which code would be needed to shrink the logo on Windows Phones? I testet with the Internet Explorer on the Windows Phone.
When I can get a hand on a Windows Phone again, I will try a different browser as well.
Thanks in advance. -
Thank you, Klaus. In fact, sizes of the poster and the video itself were different by accident. You´re a Genius!
I'm sorry. I misunderstood and wasn't aware you were talking about panoramic video. I thought you were relating to embedding video into a panoramic photo.
If the problem only occurs on your Nexus5, you don't need to flip the projection as a whole anyway. But I can't help with panoramic video, because I don't have any experience with this regard.
I'm not capable of testing on various platforms and browsers. At least on OSX Chrome and Safari it occurs on both and also on iOS in Puffin browser (uses Flash on iOS)... I corrected for the HTML5 version, so in Flash the dimensions are a bit smaller.
There must be something different with the projection of the video dimensions between Flash and HTML5. I'm going to turn off Flash later anyway. But I'm still curious what the actual problem is!? My xml code looks like this:
Code<!-- videohospots --> <hotspotname="videospot" url.html5="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.js" url.flash="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.swf" videourl="media/Scheunenzimmer.mp4" posterurl="media/Scheunenzimmer.jpg" distorted="true" ath="-95.58" atv="0.59"edge="center" scale="0.25" rx="10" ry="0" rz="0" ox="0" oy="0" loop="true pausedonstart="true onclick="togglepause();" />