Posts by sr_raumgleiter

    Hi there

    I have a vtour where I have a bit more than ten panos. With the url params it should be possible to adress one pano and remove all the other panos. If no param is given, all panos remain in the tour.

    I used simmilar code before but with different filtering and it worked as expected. Now with this project i don't have any logic in the pano naming so to get rid of the unwanted panos i tried to get all panos and remove then by index.

    I got it to work partially, but instead of only one pano remains, there are about 5 remaining and the rest is deleted. I used trace to compare names etc. and I can't find the issue there.

    Here is my action:

    <action name="customscenes" autorun="preinit">	if(selectview !== null,	txtadd(scn, 'scene_', get(selectview));tolower(scn);		for(set(i,0), i LT scene.count, inc(i),				if(scene[get(i)].name !== scn,					trace('removeScene ', scene[get(i)].name);					set(scene[get(i)].name, null);				scene.removearrayitem(get(scene[get(i)].name));				,				trace('keepScene ', scene[get(i)].name);			);		);		,		trace('no view selected, show all');	);</action>

    Any hint why the panos get removed randomly?

    Hi there

    Great plugin, like it a lot!
    I would love to change styling a bit though.
    So I want to ask for some improvements if possible:
    - Option to make lightbox dragable.
    - Option to choose between rounded or straight lightbox corners
    - Option to change the main parameters of the box (color, alpha, border)
    - Option to adjust css for whole text or just parts of the text (font-family, font-weight, font-style, text-align)
    - Any Idea on how to implement multilanguage?

    - How to make single line breaks?


    That would be great!

    Thanks for your suggestions!
    I tried that before with the hotspots (mostly for video overlays) but it was always a lot of work and a little hassle.
    Loosing the ability of multires also can become a problem, so therefore I was think as layerd panoramas with transparency.

    i also do it like you, i render all combinations .-)
    it takes a lot of space but the hotspot way is probably more work.

    Good to hear, so maybe we have to stick on that solution. Do you have examples to show? Would be interesting to see how you did the interface for that.



    We do a lot of configurators (mostly real estate) and have developed a plugin to change the whole pano depending on what option the user clicks.
    This work pretty good, but when having a large amount of options the data is getting enormous.

    I wondered if there is a solution to have a few base pano images (let's say one for day and one for night) and layer the rest over these base panoramas as png with only partional information (change color of a chair so). This would reduce file sizes and also would give us new option with blending things together. f.ex. make 3 pngs for red/green/blue and depending on how they are blended you can get every color you want.

    I haven't found any solution in krpano for that until now.
    Am I missing something. Any hints on how to do that?



    When using Panos to show a location to people not sitting at the same place it would be great if one could take over control to be shure they see the same thing as you do. Therefore I wondered if it is possible to control a tour at remote location via internet.

    I know I can grab the input controls and also insert that at the other location. But how is the travelling of this information done? standard php server and post my inputs there?

    Has anyone done that or something simmilar before or knows a solution?


    Hi Klaus

    I have a Problem with the new Editor. With my custom skin I do get the Error: "Not a krpano MAKE VTOUR tour.xml file! No editing function available..."
    It must be checking something in the custom vtourskin.xml as i changed to standard tour.xml file an error was still there.

    What do i need to check in my code to get the Editor running`?


    I just replaced the custom Code in the vtourskin from the next_scene action with the standard code. Still the same issue.
    Also i found out that it's not only the first Pano that is affected, also the last one sometimes has non clickable hotspots.
    It's more when someone clicked a lot of hotspots before entering first/last Pano.

    I have no clue and customer is getting really nervous. Hope to solve that soon, will keep you updated.


    Hi Klaus

    I already thought that but hoped for a known problem.
    So i will provide some code here:

    tour.xml first part

    actions used in scenes

    <krpano>  <action name="showinfo">    tween(layer[startbox].height, %2);    set(scenenumber, get(scene[get(xml.scene)].number));    txtadd(startboxtext, 'get:infotext.text_', get(scenenumber));    set(layer[startbox_text].html, get(startboxtext));    if(%1,      set(layer[startbox].state, "opened");      set(layer[closestartboximage].crop, 12|64|40|64);      set(layer[get(startboxtext)].visible, true);      tween(layer[startbox].x, 0);      ,      set(layer[closestartboximage].crop, 76|64|40|64);      tween(layer[startbox].x, -300);      delayedcall(0.5, set(layer[get(startboxtext)].visible, false));      if(layer[startbox].state == "closed", showinfo(true);, set(layer[startbox].state, closed););    );  </action>
      <action name="updatemap">    if(%1 == 'google',      set(show_extramap, true);      set(layer[googlemaps].visible, true);      set(layer[googlemaps].parent, skin_extramap);      ,      set(layer[googlemaps].visible, false);      set(layer[extramap].visible, false);      set(show_extramap, false);    );  </action>
      <action name="showthumb">    txtadd(hotspotclose, %1, close);    txtadd(hotspotpic, %1, pic);    txtadd(hotspottxt, %1, txt);
        if(actualspot !== null,      tween(hotspot[get(actualspot)].alpha, 0);      set(hotspot[get(actualspot)].zorder, 1);      delayedcall(0.5, set(hotspot[get(actualspot)].visible, false););    );
        if(hotspot[%1].visible != true,      set(hotspot[%1].ath, %2);      set(hotspot[%1].atv, %3);      set(hotspot[%1].visible, true);      set(hotspot[%1].zorder, 2);      tween(hotspot[%1].alpha, 1);      delayedcall(0.5, set(actualspot, %1););      ,
          set(actualspot, null);      tween(hotspot[%1].alpha, 0);      set(hotspot[%1].zorder, 1);      delayedcall(0.5,      set(hotspot[%1].visible, false);      );    );  </action>
      <action name="showart">    txtadd(hotspotclose, %1, close);    txtadd(hotspotpic, %1, pic);    txtadd(hotspottxt, %1, txt);
        if(actualspot !== null,      trace(notnull);      tween(hotspot[get(actualspot)].alpha, 0);      set(hotspot[get(actualspot)].zorder, 1);      delayedcall(0.5, set(hotspot[get(actualspot)].visible, false););    );
        if(hotspot[%1].visible != true,      set(hotspot[%1].visible, true);      set(hotspot[%1].zorder, 2);      tween(hotspot[%1].alpha, 1);      delayedcall(0.5, set(actualspot, %1););      ,      set(actualspot, null);      tween(hotspot[%1].alpha, 0);      set(hotspot[%1].zorder, 1);      delayedcall(0.5,      set(hotspot[%1].visible, false);      );    );  </action>

    we have a custom skin file as well. but i don't like to share this open here.
    i can provide it to you klaus if needed...

    thanks for your help

    Hi guys

    I have a strange behavior when going back from second to first scene via the arrows in the menu.
    On my mac it's only on Safari, Chrome is working fine (Mac/Win).

    So what's wrong:
    When coming back to first scene, my hotspots are not clickable anymore. Cursor Icon stay on the arrow, no hand icon appearing.
    -> as soon as i open the thumbnail gallery they work again. As well when i come back to first scene over thumbnail gallery it works.
    So i checked the skin_nextscene action and found out that i can solve the problem when changing the value of the


    at the beginning to


    (values below don't work).
    If it was only 0.1 seconds it would not be a problem, but one feels the delay with 0.3s.

    Also with same appearance as the problem above i get not best resolution loaded when going back to first scene.
    -> this can't be solved with opening menu, but with a slight zoom over mouse scroll.

    Anyone already had similar problems before?
    Using Krpano 1.19pr12 for this project

    Thanks for your help

    Hi all together

    I am working again with panoramic video and this time i have several Problems. ATM im using the newest Version pr13.
    So what's not working for me:

    I have a vtour where already the first scene is a panoramic video (3840x1920, mp4). I have it paused at start an i can see the poster getting loaded and some seconds later the first frame of the video shows up.
    To start the video i have placed a button, that calls the function


    When i start it normally on my desktop, everything works fine. The button disappears and the video plays. When i first enter VR mode and click the button in VR, the button also disappears but the video will no play. I can hear the sound of the video, so somehow it is playing but i just get the first frame shown. I just have that for the first scene, later scenes work as they should. (Is it normal that the video pauses when you enter VR mode while the video is already playing?)
    Any advice on how to solve that?

    Another thing:
    Is it possible to have like a "loading..." sign (own graphic preferred) also when entering a panoramic video in VR? I just get a black screen until the video has loaded.

    If anyone has experience with problems like that it would really help if you could share your knowledge with me. Literally stuck on that problem atm.