Beiträge von SaverioCaminiti

    Hi, I'm the developer of Carousel.

    As Klaus correctly point out my Carousel keep control over the stage since from the beginning. This is not due to a bad programming practice (I could have used the ADDED_TO_STAGE event of course) I've done this intentionally! Indeed the Carousel is a quite CPU intensive piece of flash, so I did my best to optimize everything. Consider that one of the first actions is to remove the root movie clip from the stage (the FactoryClass actually - it is a Flex AS only project) so that it this is eligible for garbage collection and no timeline remains (all other DisplayObject instances descend from Sprite).

    So, apart from technical details, the main idea is that the Carousel is not a friendly flash application, it tries to destroy everything to improve performance.

    I may consider change this behavior (at least when it is loaded inside other flash files) in future versions of my Carousel. Please register to the mailing list (upper right cornet on if you want to receive updates.
    It would be nice to see my Carousel in krpano.
