umm, no, i just tried on a website
Posts by relax
when i replace image with my jpg, nothing happens, i only see the green border.
why? -
i'm just a beginner in 3d modeling/photogrammetry.
Compare Panos example - a new example for comparing two pano images. With Splitscreen/Side-by-Side/Top-Bottom/Overlapped modes, sliders and animations.
Would be also nice to see more panos (5-10, useful for a contruction,etc) and use the slider with different points to the months.
Now its limited to 2, right? -
Is it possible (in future) to load models?
fbx, glb, etc?
I like to check my sketchfab models in this goood quality :) -
very nice, clear model in Quest 2
thank you! -
is it possible to see a 2D 360 pano in the background and have a real 3d model in the center of the pano, so i can watch that model in real 6dof with VR? -
Now that was quick!
Thanks a lot, will test in these days. -
Is it possible to not just see regular 2D pictures in the gallery, but also load a full 360 photo?
When i finished watching that i can click on hotspot to go back to the gallery model and continue walking to next 2D OR 360 picture :) -
Wow, Tuscany very nice.
Like the good old one from Oculus DK1 times..
I can also sailing :)
Only request: instead of smooth, make default VR rotating method to snap (30 or 45 degree), 'cos smooth gives nausea for lot of people.
Too many? i see only a few characters, and a very simple monkey mesh. or?
Quest2 can do way more. Ok, not in the browser, but the Figmin XR app for example
show my high poly texturized model in full glory at 90Hz with passthrough in background, etc.
Just wondering why a such simple scene stutter on the device. -
3dpoly monkey and krpano text is very slow, stuttering on my quest2, why?
not a hard scene -
Wow, many thanks for your work!
I tested, and fixed rotation work :)Moving speed is not controller by joystick_move_speed instead the main deptmap navigation "speed.number", right?
Is it normal?
Also, in many cases i like to use only one controller (the right), joy forward/backw = move (speed depend on the angle of joy), and joy left-right= fixed rotate.
I'm so excited :) -
Yes, Klaus wrote in another thread its totally possible with custom code.
Only i dont have much time now for developing it.
Check Brink traveler in Quest2 or the free Bigscreen app is also use snap turning if i remember correctly.
So it's not a smooth rotating, which gives nausea in VR, instead a fixed value, say 30 or 45 degre..
Instant turning or very quick (say 0.1-0.3sec)
Oh, you can choose this method in Walkabout minigolf too! -
yes, it would be nice to have a perfect navigation xml for my needs :)
with snap turning, etc.I use latest Meta browser on Q2. For flickering i mean no "real" flickering,
just some scaling issue. As i move closer, it's gone, photo looks perfect. -
Yes, kme hittesting did the trick :)
Now what's remain?
- when i click with left or right trigger on the controller, i still move backwards.
- joystick movement is fine. Rotate shoule be snap instead of smooth :)
- when only the right controller is active, i cannot move with the joy, only rotate- further pictures seems flickering, some aliasing issue
Great experience on VR, see my own pics! :)
no, 3d stereo pictures
Yes, include depthmap_navigation.xml and it works with the controller joystick!
For some reason collision detection doesnt work, but i see its "true" on xml. Why?Is it possible to show stereo 3d images on the wall? You know left image to the left eye, right to the right.
I have lot of them :) -
Do you have VR device?
On monitor with mouse, walking is fine.