I have not seen any CMS plugins special made for embedding krpano. But I believe it is easy to use krpano with most CMS's that lets you customize your templates and upload jpgs, if you got access to your own webserver anyway... Personally I prefer Drupal but I that is just a matter of taste
Posts by panogio
Is anyone using this (or some other?) plugin for statistics? I am not able to download the zip-file from none of the links posted earlier in this forum tread. Could anyone of you please upload the plug-in again? I'll appreciate it! Thanks! /ted
EDIT: Now I succeeded to download the zip from the original post so no need to upload any file. But I am still interested in hearing how you are tracking how your panoramas are viewed. /ted
I have never had the need to set the height of the panorama in
percent so I can't be of much assistance when it comes to fixing the
problem in firefox (and safari as well I believe).I've sent a private message to viewinz explaining how I used drupal on Panogio. Hopefully we will see his site working the way he intend soon...
Hi Viewinz
I have not tried to use the swftool module in Drupal but I have used Drupal to build Panogio.com . Perhaps the swftool module has some special feature you need but I used a few lines of custom code in a tpl.php file to place the krpano flash on the webpages. Looking at your site and all the tests you made I'm sure you tried a lot of alternatives. But if you think I can be of any help to you please let me know and I will tell you how I have done.
Best Regards
/ted panogio -
There are not shortage of web sites for panorama images so I thought I should build yet another!
Most panorama web sites aim towards professionals, or people interested in knowing a lot about the makings of panorama images. I thought I should put together a web site with less tech focus and there for more appealing to beginners as well as lazy pros
I'm by no way near finished but something that works are available for public use at http://www.Panogio.com . Off course I use KrPano for showing the panoramas...
I would highly appricate comments and bug testing so if you have the time - please take it for a test drive!
You can find my panoramas at http://www.panogio.com/user/ted - I could use some tips on how to improve them as well!