Beiträge von hacaro

    Dear all, i've almost finish my Krpano project that goes online on 05/02.

    The project is a virtual Show Room (VTour Multires ), it has 8 scenes and almost 100 hostpots. a lot of these are interaction hostopot and 20 for movement through scenes (placed on the floor (distored hostspot)).

    To achieve this, and facilitate the management of placing hostpot i've used the "Add Hostpot " plugin by (really excellent plugin). Really thanks to Alexander, that gave me all support.

    As I said, I'm almost ready, but in order to complete my project I need to do other things and I hope that someone can help me to this.

    Mobile (only Phone) Interaction.

    All works really fine on desktop and tablet but on the Mobile Phone some interaction cannot be do, eg. all interactions based on onhover and also Hotspot are too small on Mobile. So, my question is, can i use WEB VR crosshair gaze input time interaction instead of touch for interact with hostpots ? like this…tml5=only+webgl but not in VR mode

    Try to explain better, For normal rotate use touch, but for interaction use this approach. I think that this approach, can solve all of my problem on Mobile Phone

    Hoping that you can help me

    Thanks in advance and bet regards.